Manh Nguyen Van
Manh Nguyen Van
Department of Civil Engineering, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology
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Cited by
Recycling and reuse of solid wastes; a hub for ecofriendly, ecoefficient and sustainable soil, concrete, wastewater and pavement reengineering
KC Onyelowe, D Bui Van, O Ubachukwu, C Ezugwu, B Salahudeen, ...
International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 14 (3), 440-451, 2019
Scheffe optimization of swelling, California bearing ratio, compressive strength, and durability potentials of quarry dust stabilized soft clay soil
K Onyelowe, G Alaneme, C Igboayaka, F Orji, H Ugwuanyi, DB Van, ...
Materials Science for Energy Technologies 2 (1), 67-77, 2019
New methodology to characterize shear behavior of joints by combination of direct shear box testing and numerical simulations
VM Nguyen, H Konietzky, T Frühwirt
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 32, 829-846, 2014
Swelling potential, shrinkage and durability of cemented and uncemented lateritic soils treated with CWC base geopolymer
KC Onyelowe, D Bui Van, M Nguyen Van
International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 15 (4), 389-404, 2021
Sorptivity, swelling, shrinkage, compression and durability of quarry dust treated soft soils for moisture bound pavement geotechnics
K Onyelowe, DB Van, A Eberemu, MN Xuan, AB Salahudeen, C Ezugwu, ...
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 8 (4), 3529-3538, 2019
Analytical solution for estimating the stand-up time of the rock mass surrounding tunnel
VM Nguyen, QP Nguyen
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 47, 10-15, 2015
Generalized review on EVD and constraints simplex method of materials properties optimization for civil engineering
K Onyelowe, G Alaneme, D Bui Van, M Nguyen Van, C Ezugwu, ...
Civil Engineering Journal, 2019
Capillary rise, suction (absorption) and the strength development of HBM treated with QD base geopolymer
D Bui Van, K Chibuzor Onyelowe, MV Nguyen
International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 2018
Assessment of rainstorm induced sediment deposition, gully development at Ikot Ekpene, Nigeria and the devastating effect on the environment
KC Onyelowe, DB Van, OC Ikpemo, OA Ubachukwu, M Van Nguyen
Environmental Technology & Innovation 10, 194-207, 2018
Static and dynamic behaviour of joints in schistose rock: lab testing and numerical simulation
VM Nguyen
Dissertation, Freiberg, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 2013, 2013
Development of a new Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system based on a dual auxotrophic approach in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus oryzae
HD Thai, BPT Nguyen, VM Nguyen, QH Nguyen, VT Tran
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 37 (6), 92, 2021
Experimental assessment of subgrade stiffness of lateritic soils treated with crushed waste plastics and ceramics for pavement foundation
KC Onyelowe, D Bui Van, M Nguyen Van, C Ezugwu, T Amhadi, F Sosa, ...
International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 14 (2), 187-204, 2019
An Experimental Study on Compaction Behavior Of Lateritic Soils Treated with Quarry Dust Based Geopolymer Cement
KC Onyelowe, DB Van, MO Idrees, ME Onyia, L Dao-Phuc, ...
The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management 47 (1), 104-119, 2021
Effect of ceramic waste derivatives on the volume change behavior of soft soils for moisture bound transport geotechnics
KC Onyelowe, DB Van, M van Nguyen, H Ugwuanyi
Electron J Geotech Eng 23, 821-34, 2018
Static and dynamic behaviour of joints in schistose rock
VM Nguyen
Freiberg University of Mining and Technology, Freiberg, 2013
A numerically investigate of the improvement of load carrying capacity of square footings utilizing micropiles
D Van Bui, M Van Nguyen, TD Nguyen, TN Vu
Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences Vol 63 (5), 106-117, 2022
The Midge Hall Valley Sewer: a case history in tunnelling through Coal Measures rocks
M Richardson, M Eddleston, CD Arthur, VM Nguyen
Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications 10 (1 …, 1995
Enhancing the performance of boundary footing of a renovated building using micropiles: Numerical and Site Visual Assessment
D Van Bui, M Van Nguyen, NT Pham, TA Bui, T Dang
Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences Vol 63 (6), 61-70, 2022
GS-1000: A new large rockmechanical shear box device for dynamic and HM-coupled testing under extreme strong forces
H Konietzky, T Frühwirt, VM Nguyen
Soil nailing as a ground reinforcement method of a storey building constructed on weathered siltstone: Analytical and numerical evaluation
D Van Bui, M Van Nguyen, NT Pham, P Osinski, KC Onyelowe, ...
Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences Vol 65 (2), 10-21, 2024
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Articles 1–20