Dr. Prateek Jain
Dr. Prateek Jain
Academician & Researcher
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A detailed study of azure platform & its cognitive services
A Verma, D Malla, AK Choudhary, V Arora
2019 International conference on machine learning, big data, cloud and …, 2019
Rice straw biomass to high energy yield biocoal by torrefaction
SR Dhakate, AK Pathak, P Jain, M Singh, BP Singh, KM Subhedar, ...
Current Science 116 (5), 831-838, 2019
Studying open source vulnerability scanners for vulnerabilities in web applications
D Sagar, S Kukreja, J Brahma, S Tyagi, P Jain
IIOAB JOURNAL 9 (2), 43-49, 2018
Distributed denial of service attacks against cloud computing environment: survey, issues, challenges and coherent taxonomy
ZR Alashhab, M Anbar, MM Singh, IH Hasbullah, P Jain, TA Al-Amiedy
Applied Sciences 12 (23), 12441, 2022
IOT Smart City: Introduction and Challenges
KK Prateek Gurani, Mohit Sharma, Shreya Nigam, Nitasha Soni
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) 8 (3), 2019
Eye movement detection for wheelchair control application
M Singh, P Jain, S Chopra
2015 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Signals …, 2015
Reflection and transmission of plane waves in nonlocal generalized thermoelastic solid with diffusion
S Malik, D Gupta, K Kumar, RK Sharma, P Jain
Mechanics of Solids 58 (1), 161-188, 2023
Effect of antagonistic fungi and seed dressing fungicides on the incidence of stem rot of mustard
A Pathak, S Godika, P Jain, S Muralia
Mycology and Plant Pathology 31, 327-329, 2001
A detailed study of blockchain: changing the world
S Singh, A Sharma, P Jain
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 13 (14), 11532-11539, 2018
iSeePlus: A cost effective smart assistance archetype based on deep learning model for visually impaired
D Virmani, C Gupta, P Bamdev, P Jain
Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences 41 (7), 1741-1756, 2020
Low value capacitance measurements for capacitive sensors-a review
P Ramanathan, S Ramasamy, P Jain, H Nagrecha, S Paul, ...
Sensors & Transducers 148 (1), 1, 2013
A Comparative Analysis of Factor Effecting the Buying Judgement of Smart Phone.
R Bhalla, P Jain
International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708) 8 (5), 2018
Assessment of nutritional status of patients suffering from asthma
S Kant, R Mishra
Journal of Clinical Nutrition 3 (2), 16, 2017
9/7 IWT Domain data hiding in image using adaptive and non adaptive methods
V Thanikaiselvan, T Bansal, P Jain, S Shastri
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (5), 1-7, 2016
Comparison of Outcomes of Two Antitubercular Regimens in Pulmonary Tuberculosis at Tertiary Care Hospital
ML Bhatia, P Jain, M Ahmad, VV Moghe, ZY Khan
Medical Science 3 (2), 275-277, 2013
Towards the Prevention of Car Hacking: A Threat to Automation Industry
DPJ Pooja Sharma, Vaibhav Jha, Vasudha Arora
Indian Journal of Science & Technology 12 (41), 1-6, 2019
Towards the adoption of modern software development approach: Component based software engineering
P Jain
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (32), 1-5, 2016
MC2 on-the-fly mobile compute cloud for computational intensive task
P Jain, R Kabra, S Rustagi, T Bansal, D Patel, V Raychoudhury
Proceedings of the 5th IBM Collaborative Academia Research Exchange Workshop …, 2013
Twitter user’s Behavior and Events Affecting Their Mood
KS Srishty Jindal, Amit Kumar Tyagi
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 9 (3), 3222, 2020
Opposition theory enabled intelligent whale optimization algorithm
P Jain, P Jain, A Saxena
Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems: Proceedings of …, 2020
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Articles 1–20