Xuan Liu
Cited by
Cited by
Synthesis of Pt nanocatalyst with micelle-encapsulated multi-walled carbon nanotubes as support for proton exchange membrane fuel cells
JF Lin, CW Mason, A Adame, X Liu, XH Peng, AM Kannan
Electrochim. Acta 55 (21), 6496-6500, 2010
Comparison of Pt/MWCNTs nanocatalysts synthesis processes for proton exchange membrane fuel cells
X Liu, R Villacorta, AAAM Kannan
Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 36, 10877-10883, 2011
Development of gas diffusion layer using water based carbon slurry for proton exchange membrane fuel cells
JF Lin, X Liu, A Adame, R Villacorta, J Wertz, R Ahmad, M Thomas, ...
Electrochimica Acta 56 (3), 1591-1596, 2011
Non-active area water mitigation in PEM fuel cells via bipolar plate surface energy modification
X Liu, TA Trabold
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43 (2), 908-920, 2018
Investigation of channel- to-manifold water transport in proton exchange membrane fuel cells
X Liu, J Lin, KM McConnaghy, TA Trabold, JJGJP Owejan
ASME 6th International Conference on Energy Sustainability & 10th …, 2012
Neutron imaging of water accumulation in the active area and channel-to-manifold transitions of a PEMFC
X Liu, TA Trabold, JJ Gagliardo, DLJDS Hussey
ASME 7th International Conference on Energy Sustainability & 11th …, 2013
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Articles 1–6