Mustafa Karabiçici
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Cited by
Regulation of Wnt signaling pathways at the plasma membrane and their misregulation in cancer
Y Azbazdar, M Karabicici, E Erdal, G Ozhan
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology 9, 631623, 2021
Doxorubicin‐induced senescence promotes stemness and tumorigenicity in EpCAM−/CD133− nonstem cell population in hepatocellular carcinoma cell line, HuH‐7
M Karabicici, S Alptekin, Z Fırtına Karagonlar, E Erdal
Molecular Oncology 15 (8), 2185-2202, 2021
A Novel Function for KLF4 in Modulating the De-Differentiation of EpCAM/CD133 nonStem Cells into EpCAM+/CD133+ Liver Cancer Stem Cells in HCC Cell …
Z Firtina Karagonlar, S Akbari, M Karabicici, E Sahin, S Tercan Avci, ...
Cells 9 (5), 1198, 2020
Changes in Wnt and TGF-β signaling mediate the development of regorafenib resistance in hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HuH7
M Karabicici, Y Azbazdar, G Ozhan, S Senturk, Z Firtina Karagonlar, ...
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology 9, 639779, 2021
Misregulation of Wnt signaling pathways at the plasma membrane in brain and metabolic diseases
M Karabicici, Y Azbazdar, E Iscan, G Ozhan
Membranes 11 (11), 844, 2021
Investigation of methylation profiles of TP53, caspase 9, caspase 8, caspase 3 genes treated with DNA methyl transferase inhibitor (DNMTi) zebularine (ZEB) and caffeic acid …
O Eroğlu, E Güvenir Çelik, H Kaya, M Celen, M Karabicici, E Karacoban
Journal of Cancer Therapy, 2019
Comparative membrane lipidomics of hepatocellular carcinoma cells reveals diacylglycerol and ceramide as key regulators of Wnt/β‐catenin signaling and tumor growth
Y Azbazdar, Y Demirci, G Heger, D Ipekgil, M Karabicici, G Ozhan
Molecular Oncology 17 (11), 2314-2336, 2023
Human liver organoid models for assessment of drug toxicity at the preclinical stage
M Karabicici, S Akbari, O Ertem, M Gumustekin, E Erdal
Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders-Drug Targets (Formerly Current Drug …, 2023
Fibrotic Phenotype in CRISPR knockout p53 of Hepatic Organoids within a Pro-Carcinogenic Microenvironment
E ERDAL, M Karabicici, S Akbari, C Calıskan, C Celiker, O Oz, L Binokay, ...
Genetic ablation of p53 at the onset of HCC triggers tumor initiation via the CD24-TGFB axis in a pro-carcinogenic microenvironment
M Karabicici, O Oz, E Erdal
FEBS OPEN BIO 12, 69-69, 2022
Hepatosellülar Karsinoma'da Regorafenib Etkilerinin Incelenmesi
M Karabiçici
PQDT-Global, 2017
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Articles 1–11