Rajesh Bhatt
Cited by
Cited by
Vibrations of a square cylinder submerged in a wake
R Bhatt, MM Alam
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 853, 301-332, 2018
Vortex shedding suppression and aerodynamic characteristics of square cylinder due to offsetting of rectangular cylinders towards a plane
DK Maiti, R Bhatt
Ocean Engineering 82, 91-104, 2014
Interactions of Vortices of a Square Cylinder and a Rectangular Vortex Generator Under Couette–Poiseuille Flow
DK Maiti, R Bhatt
Journal of Fluids Engineering 137 (5), 051203, 2015
Numerical study on flow and aerodynamic characteristics: Square cylinder and eddy-promoting rectangular cylinder in tandem near wall
DK Maiti, R Bhatt
Aerospace Science and Technology 36, 5-20, 2014
Effect of side walls on flow around prisms
R Mondal, MM Alam, R Bhatt
Ocean Engineering 196, 106797, 2020
Aerodynamic forces on square cylinder due to secondary flow by rectangular vortex generator in offset tandem: Comparison with inline
DK Maiti, R Bhatt, MM Alam
Computers & Fluids 134, 157-176, 2016
Influence of staggered position of a square cylinder of different height on the wake of downstream square cylinder near a plan wall
R Bhatt, DK Maiti, MM Alam
Flow around three rectangular prisms between two walls
R Mondal, MM Alam, R Bhatt, Q Zheng, C Ji
World congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, and Materials Research, 2018
Vibrations of a square cylinder submerged in the wake of stationary cylinder
R Bhatt, MM Alam
7th conference on Bluff body wakes and vortex-induced vibrations, 2018
Distinct response branches of a freely vibrating square cylinder
R Bhatt, MM Alam
Fluid-Structure Interactions, Flow-Sound Interactions, Flow-Induced …, 2018
Couette-Poiseuille flow based non-linear flow over a square cylinder near plane wall
R Bhatt, DK Maiti, MM Alam, S Rehman
Wind and Structures 26 (5), 331-341, 2018
Effect of gap height and non-linearity of incident Couette-Poiseuille flow on aerodynamic characteristics of a square cylinder near wall
R Bhatt, DK Maiti, MM Alam
Shear flow past two square cylinders in staggered arrangement near a wall
R Bhatt, DK Maiti
58th Indian society of theoretical & applied mechanics (ISTAM) 48, 2013
Numerical Simulation of Flow Past Inline Tandem Cylinders in Uniform Shear Flow
R Bhatt, DK Maiti
17th International conference on Theoretical and computational mechanics, 0
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Articles 1–14