Franziska Geringswald
Franziska Geringswald
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Contextual cueing impairment in patients with age-related macular degeneration
F Geringswald, A Herbik, MB Hoffmann, S Pollmann
Journal of Vision 13 (3), 28-28, 2013
Simulated loss of foveal vision eliminates visual search advantage in repeated displays
F Geringswald, F Baumgartner, S Pollmann
Frontiers in human neuroscience 6, 134, 2012
Attentional adjustment to conflict strength
M Wendt, A Kiesel, F Geringswald, S Purmann, R Fischer
Experimental Psychology, 2014
The right temporo-parietal junction contributes to visual feature binding
S Pollmann, W Zinke, F Baumgartner, F Geringswald, M Hanke
Neuroimage 101, 289-297, 2014
Central and peripheral vision loss differentially affects contextual cueing in visual search.
F Geringswald, S Pollmann
Journal of experimental psychology: learning, memory, and cognition 41 (5), 1485, 2015
Visual search facilitation in repeated displays depends on visuospatial working memory
AA Manginelli, F Geringswald, S Pollmann
Experimental Psychology, 2011
Evidence for feature binding in the superior parietal lobule
F Baumgartner, M Hanke, F Geringswald, W Zinke, O Speck, S Pollmann
Neuroimage 68, 173-180, 2013
Impairment of visual memory for objects in natural scenes by simulated central scotomata
F Geringswald, E Porracin, S Pollmann
Journal of vision 16 (2), 6-6, 2016
A behavioral task for the validation of a gaze-contingent simulated scotoma
F Geringswald, FJ Baumgartner, S Pollmann
Behavior research methods 45, 1313-1321, 2013
Not scene learning, but attentional processing is superior in team sport athletes and action video game players
A Schmidt, F Geringswald, F Sharifian, S Pollmann
Psychological research 84 (4), 1028-1038, 2020
Visual memory for objects following foveal vision loss.
F Geringswald, A Herbik, W Hofmüller, MB Hoffmann, S Pollmann
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 41 (5), 1471, 2015
Intact contextual cueing for search in realistic scenes with simulated central or peripheral vision loss
S Pollmann, F Geringswald, P Wei, E Porracin
Translational vision science & technology 9 (8), 15-15, 2020
Action Observation Network activity related to object-directed and socially-directed actions in Adolescents
M Lesourd, A Afyouni, F Geringswald, F Cignetti, L Raoul, J Sein, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 43 (1), 125-141, 2023
Spatial contextual cueing, assessed in a computerized task, is not a limiting factor for expert performance in the domain of team sports or action video game playing
A Schmidt, F Geringswald, S Pollmann
Journal of Cognitive Enhancement 3, 281-292, 2019
Prediction of higher visual function in macular degeneration with multifocal electroretinogram and multifocal visual evoked potential
A Herbik, F Geringswald, H Thieme, S Pollmann, MB Hoffmann
Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 34 (5), 540-551, 2014
Preserved contextual cueing in realistic scenes in patients with age-related macular degeneration
S Pollmann, L Rosenblum, S Linnhoff, E Porracin, F Geringswald, ...
Brain Sciences 10 (12), 941, 2020
Inhibiting saccades to a social stimulus: a developmental study
F Geringswald, A Afyouni, C Noblet, MH Grosbras
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 4615, 2020
Brain activity during antisaccades to faces in adolescence
A Afyouni, F Geringswald, B Nazarian, MH Grosbras
Cerebral Cortex Communications 2 (4), tgab057, 2021
Spatial contextual cueing is not a limiting factor for expert performance in the domain of team sports or action video game playing
A Schmidt, F Geringswald, S Pollmann
bioRxiv, 267872, 2018
Impaired scene exploration causes deficits in visual learning
F Geringswald, S Pollmann
PERCEPTION 40, 126-126, 2011
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Articles 1–20