Md. Sakil Munna (ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1788-3236)
Md. Sakil Munna (ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1788-3236)
Dy. Manager (QA & QC) at IGLOO Sugar Unit, Alumnus (Microbiology) of Stamford University Bangladesh
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Cited by
Emerging diseases in Bangladesh: current microbiological research perspective
R Noor, MS Munna
Tzu Chi Medical Journal 27 (2), 49-53, 2015
Assessment of microbiological proliferation and in vitro demonstration of the antimicrobial activity of the commonly available salad vegetables within Dhaka metropolis, Bangladesh
T Ahmed, NJ Urmi, MS Munna, KK Das, M Acharjee, MM Rahman, R Noor
Am J Agri Forestr 2 (3), 55-60, 2014
Survival of Bacillus spp. SUBB01 at high temperatures and a preliminary assessment of its ability to protect heat-stressed Escherichia coli cells
M Sakil Munna, J Tahera, M Mohibul Hassan Afrad, IT Nur, R Noor
BMC research notes 8, 1-9, 2015
Influence of heat shock and osmotic stresses on the growth and viability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae SUBSC01
MS Munna, S Humayun, R Noor
BMC research notes 8, 1-8, 2015
Study of exogenous oxidative stress response in Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas spp., Bacillus spp., and Salmonella spp.
I Nur, MS Munna, R Noor
Turkish Journal of Biology 38, 502-509, 2014
Influence of exogenous oxidative stress on Escherichia coli cell growth, viability and morphology
MS Munna, IT Nur, T Rahman, R Noor
Am J Biosci 1 (4), 59, 2013
Influence of temperature on the growth of Pseudomonas putida
MS Munna, Z Zeba, R Noor
Stamford journal of microbiology 5 (1), 9-12, 2015
Microbiological quality analysis of shrimps collected from local market around Dhaka city
S Sultana, GH Tarafder, TA Siddiqui, BC Shaha, M Walliullah, T Ahmed, ...
International Food Research Journal 21 (1), 33-38, 2014
Influence of aeration speed on bacterial colony forming unit (CFU) formation capacity
MS Munna, S Tamanna, MR Afrin, GA Sharif, C Mazumder, KS Kana, ...
Am J Microbiol Res 2 (1), 47-51, 2014
Detection of Salmonella spp. and microbiological analysis of milk and milk based products available within Dhaka Metropolis, Bangladesh
S Yasmin, S Parveen, MS Munna, R Noor
British Microbiology Research Journal 5 (6), 474, 2015
Isolation of pathogenic microorganisms from burn patients admitted in Dhaka Medical College and Hospital and demonstration of their drug-resistance traits
SMS Alam, MA Kalam, MS Munna, SK Munshi, R Noor
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease 4 (5), 402-407, 2014
Demonstration of virulent genes within Listeria and Klebsiella isolates contaminating the export quality frozen shrimps
R Noor, M Faqrul Hasan, M Sakil Munna, M Majibur Rahman
International Aquatic Research 7, 157-161, 2015
Microbiological contamination and anti-bacterial traits of common oral herbal medicinal products within Dhaka metropolis
S Quaiyum, NI Tanu, M Sharmin, P Laboni, MS Munna, KK Das, ...
European Journal of Medicinal Plants 4 (7), 872, 2014
Impact of different carbon sources on the in vitro growth and viability of Escherichia coli (SUBE01) and Salmonella spp.(SUBS01) cells
IT Nur, J Tahera, MS Munna, MM Rahman, R Noor
Bangladesh Journal of Microbiology, 39-44, 2015
Stress responses within Bacillus species under heat shock
R Noor, MS Munna, N Tabassum, SM Maniha, T Tabassum, T Tabassum
Acta Scientific Microbiology 2 (8), 148-153, 2019
Study of risk factors related to HBsAg reactivity among outdoor patients in Dhaka Medical College and Hospital, Bangladesh
AI Uddin, M Pervin, MS Munna, R Noor
Am J Biomed Life Sci 2 (1), 18, 2014
Microbiological profile of symptomatic and asymptomatic bacteriuria recovered from female patients with urinary tract infection
UJ Sarker, MS Munna, SK Munshi
Stamford Journal of Microbiology 3 (1), 34-37, 2013
Impact of temperature on the growth of Pseudomonas spp.(SUBP01), Bacillus spp.(SUBB01) and Salmonella spp.(SUBS01) and determination of the critical growth temperature
R Noor, SR Chakraborty, IT Nur, MS Munna, A Chakraborty, TT Proma, ...
Bangladesh Journal of Microbiology 36 (1), 55-62, 2019
Possible growth retrieval simulation on the heat-stressed Pseudomonas aeruginosa (SUBP01) cells
MS Munna, KR Tanzim, MMH Afrad, S Humayun, MS Rahman, MA Lubna, ...
Bangladesh Journal of Microbiology, 59-64, 2014
Comparative Study of Oxidative Stress Response in Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Subp01) and Pseudomonas fluorescence (Subp02) Upon External Stimulation by Hydrogen Peroxide
N N Choudhury, Ifra Tun Nur, Md. Sakil Munna, Rashed Noor
EC MICROBIOLOGY 15 (5), 2019
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Articles 1–20