Reto Schoch
Reto Schoch
Principal Engineering Leader
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Cited by
Transport phenomena in nanofluidics
RB Schoch, J Han, P Renaud
Reviews of modern physics 80 (3), 839-883, 2008
Ionic transport phenomena in nanofluidics: experimental and theoretical study of the exclusion-enrichment effect on a chip
A Plecis, RB Schoch, P Renaud
Nano letters 5 (6), 1147-1155, 2005
A patterned anisotropic nanofluidic sieving structure for continuous-flow separation of DNA and proteins
J Fu, RB Schoch, AL Stevens, SR Tannenbaum, J Han
Nature nanotechnology 2 (2), 121-128, 2007
Molecular sieving using nanofilters: past, present and future
J Han, J Fu, RB Schoch
Lab on a Chip 8 (1), 23-33, 2008
Ion transport through nanoslits dominated by the effective surface charge
RB Schoch, P Renaud
Applied Physics Letters 86 (25), 2005
Effect of the surface charge on ion transport through nanoslits
RB Schoch, H Van Lintel, P Renaud
Physics of Fluids 17 (10), 2005
pH-controlled diffusion of proteins with different pI values across a nanochannel on a chip
RB Schoch, A Bertsch, P Renaud
Nano letters 6 (3), 543-547, 2006
i Renaud, P
RB Schoch, J Han
Transport phenomena in nanofluidics. A: Reviews of Modern Physics 80 (3 …, 2008
Rapid and selective extraction, isolation, preconcentration, and quantitation of small RNAs from cell lysate using on-chip isotachophoresis
RB Schoch, M Ronaghi, JG Santiago
Lab on a Chip 9 (15), 2145-2152, 2009
Electrical detection of fast reaction kinetics in nanochannels with an induced flow
RB Schoch, LF Cheow, J Han
Nano letters 7 (12), 3895-3900, 2007
Nanoconfinement-based devices and methods of use thereof
J Han, RB Schoch, LF Cheow
US Patent App. US20090136948 A1, 2008
A novel dual-axis electrostatic microactuation system for micromanipulation
Y Sun, D Piyabongkarn, A Sezen, BJ Nelson, R Rajamani, R Schoch, ...
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2, 1796-1801, 2002
Isotachophoretic focusing of nucleic acids
RD Chambers, JG Santiago, A Persat, RB Schoch, M Ronaghi
US Patent 8,846,314, 2014
Isotachophoretic analyte extraction
R Schoch
US Patent 8,585,883, 2013
Transport phenomena in nanofluidics: from ionic studies to proteomic applications
RB Schoch
PhD Thesis, 2006
Microelectrical impedance tomography for biophysical characterization of thin film biomaterials
P Linderholm, R Schoch, P Renaud
TRANSDUCERS'03. 12th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors …, 2003
J. Han, and P. Renaud,"
RB Schoch
Transport phenomena in nanofluidics," Rev Mod Phys 80, 839-883, 2008
On-chip separation and concentration processes based on the use of charge selective nanochannels
A Plecis, RB Schoch, P Renaud
Micro Total Analysis Systems, Transducers Research Foundation, Boston, MA …, 2005
Measurements of protein preconcentration obtained on-chip by using an electric field across a nanochannel
RB Schoch, L Caprioli, A Bertsch, P Renaud
NanoTech Montreux, 2005
Nanofluidic BioMEMS
J Han, YA Song, J hoon Lee, SJ Kim, R Schoch, YC Wang, P Mao, J Fu, ...
RLE Progress Report, 2004
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Articles 1–20