Naveed Junejo
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Cited by
Power control algorithms for media transmission in remote healthcare systems
AH Sodhro, S Pirbhulal, M Qaraqe, S Lohano, GH Sodhro, NUR Junejo, ...
IEEE Access 6, 42384-42393, 2018
Sparse channel estimation of underwater TDS-OFDM system using look-ahead backtracking orthogonal matching pursuit
NUR Junejo, H Esmaiel, M Zhou, H Sun, J Qi, J Wang
IEEE Access 6, 74389-74399, 2018
Resonance-based time-frequency manifold for feature extraction of ship-radiated noise
J Yan, H Sun, H Chen, NUR Junejo, E Cheng
Sensors 18 (4), 936, 2018
Effect of Different BER Performance Comparison of MAP and ML Detection
NU Rehman, R Jamil, I Jamil
World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology 8 (9), 1524-1527, 2014
Underwater image transmission using spatial modulation unequal error protection for internet of underwater things
H Esmaiel, ZAH Qasem, H Sun, J Wang, NU Rehman Junejo
Sensors 19 (23), 5271, 2019
A survey on physical layer techniques and challenges in underwater communication systems
NUR Junejo, M Sattar, S Adnan, H Sun, ABM Adam, A Hassan, H Esmaiel
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 11 (4), 885, 2023
Sparse detection with orthogonal matching pursuit in multiuser uplink quadrature spatial modulation MIMO system
S Adnan, Y Fu, NUR Junejo, Z Chen, H Esmaiel
IET Communications 13 (20), 3472-3478, 2019
Comprehensive study and review on maglev train system
R Ahmed, YL Jun, MF Azhar, NUR Junejo
Applied Mechanics and Materials 615, 347-351, 2014
Case Study of Wireless Networking for Small Business
R Jamil, I Jamil, M Ismail, NU Rehman
Int. J Engineering works 1, 20-25, 2014
Biomimetic applications of ionic polymer metal composites (IPMC) actuators-a critical review
M Farid, Z Gang, TL Khuong, ZZ Sun, N Ur Rehman, M Rizwan
Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering 20, 1-10, 2014
Deep convolutional self-attention network for energy-efficient power control in NOMA networks
ABM Adam, L Lei, S Chatzinotas, NUR Junejo
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 71 (5), 5540-5545, 2022
Pilot-based adaptive channel estimation for underwater spatial modulation technologies
NUR Junejo, H Esmaiel, H Sun, ZAH Qasem, J Wang
symmetry 11 (5), 711, 2019
Whale vocalization classification using feature extraction with resonance sparse signal decomposition and ridge extraction
H Chen, H Sun, NUR Junejo, G Yang, J Qi
IEEE Access 7, 136358-136368, 2019
Sparse Representation Based on Tunable Q‐Factor Wavelet Transform for Whale Click and Whistle Extraction
H Chen, J Yan, NUR Junejo, J Qi, H Sun
Shock and Vibration 2018 (1), 2153506, 2018
Sea experimental for compressive sensing‐based sparse channel estimation of underwater acoustic TDS‐OFDM system
NUR Junejo, H Esmaiel, M Sattar, H Sun, MA Khalil, I Ullah
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2022 (1), 2523196, 2022
Channel estimation using pilot method for underwater filter bank multicarrier system
NUR Junejo, J Yan, S Adnan, H Chen, H Sun
Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems: Proceedings of the 2017 …, 2019
Grasshopper knee joint–inverse kinematic modeling and simulation of ionic polymer metal composites (IPMC) actuators
M Farid, Z Gang, TL Khuong, ZZ Sun, N Ur Rehman
Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering 19, 1-11, 2014
Effect of different modulation techniques comparison of linear MIMO receivers
S Adnan, NU Rehman, MI Zahoor
International Journal of Computer Applications 121 (20), 36-40, 2015
An improved CoSaMP multiuser detection for uplink grant free NOMA system
S Adnan, Y Fu, JA Bhutto, JNU Rehman, RA Wagan, A Ghulam
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 11 (4), 2020
Deep Learning-Based Index Modulation for Underground Communications
H Esmaiel, HA Leftah, NUR Junejo, H Sun
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2023
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Articles 1–20