Fengfei Ma
Fengfei Ma
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Extracellular matrix scaffold and hydrogel derived from decellularized and delipidized human pancreas
SD Sackett, DM Tremmel, F Ma, AK Feeney, RM Maguire, ME Brown, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 10452, 2018
PKM2 methylation by CARM1 activates aerobic glycolysis to promote tumorigenesis
F Liu, F Ma, Y Wang, L Hao, H Zeng, C Jia, Y Wang, P Liu, IM Ong, B Li, ...
Nature cell biology 19 (11), 1358-1370, 2017
Visualization and identification of neurotransmitters in crustacean brain via multifaceted mass spectrometric approaches
Q Cao, Y Wang, B Chen, F Ma, L Hao, G Li, C Ouyang, L Li
ACS chemical neuroscience 10 (3), 1222-1229, 2019
PKM2‐TMEM33 axis regulates lipid homeostasis in cancer cells by controlling SCAP stability
F Liu, M Ma, A Gao, F Ma, G Ma, P Liu, C Jia, Y Wang, K Donahue, ...
The EMBO Journal 40 (22), e108065, 2021
In depth quantification of extracellular matrix proteins from human pancreas
F Ma, DM Tremmel, Z Li, CB Lietz, SD Sackett, JS Odorico, L Li
Journal of proteome research 18 (8), 3156-3165, 2019
Quantitative mass spectrometry reveals food intake-induced neuropeptide level changes in rat brain: functional assessment of selected neuropeptides as feeding regulators
H Ye, J Wang, Z Tian, F Ma, J Dowell, Q Bremer, G Lu, B Baldo, L Li
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 16 (11), 1922-1937, 2017
Proteome-wide and matrisome-specific alterations during human pancreas development and maturation
Z Li, DM Tremmel, F Ma, Q Yu, M Ma, DG Delafield, Y Shi, B Wang, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 1020, 2021
Hyphenation of strong cation exchange chromatography to native mass spectrometry for high throughput online characterization of charge heterogeneity of therapeutic monoclonal …
F Ma, F Raoufi, MA Bailly, L Fayadat-Dilman, D Tomazela
MAbs 12 (1), 1763762, 2020
Nanosecond photochemically promoted click chemistry for enhanced neuropeptide visualization and rapid protein labeling
G Li, F Ma, Q Cao, Z Zheng, K DeLaney, R Liu, L Li
Nature Communications 10 (1), 4697, 2019
Effect of aqueous extract and fractions of Zhi-Zi-Hou-Pu decoction against depression in inescapable stressed mice: Restoration of monoamine neurotransmitters in discrete brain …
AM Yao, FF Ma, LL Zhang, F Feng
Pharmaceutical Biology 51 (2), 213-220, 2013
Surfactant and chaotropic agent assisted sequential extraction/on-pellet digestion (SCAD) for enhanced proteomics
F Ma, F Liu, W Xu, L Li
Journal of proteome research 17 (8), 2744-2754, 2018
HOTMAQ: a multiplexed absolute quantification method for targeted proteomics
X Zhong, Q Yu, F Ma, DC Frost, L Lu, Z Chen, H Zetterberg, C Carlsson, ...
Analytical chemistry 91 (3), 2112-2119, 2019
Native ion mobility–mass spectrometry-enabled fast structural interrogation of labile protein surface modifications at the intact protein level
G Li, A Phetsanthad, M Ma, Q Yu, A Nair, Z Zheng, F Ma, K DeLaney, ...
Analytical chemistry 94 (4), 2142-2153, 2022
Large-scale differentiation and site specific discrimination of hydroxyproline isomers by electron transfer/higher-energy collision dissociation (EThcD) mass spectrometry
F Ma, R Sun, DM Tremmel, SD Sackett, J Odorico, L Li
Analytical chemistry 90 (9), 5857-5864, 2018
Extracellular matrix scaffold and hydrogel derived from decellularized and delipidized human pancreas. Sci Rep
SD Sackett, DM Tremmel, F Ma, AK Feeney, RM Maguire, ME Brown
Nature Publishing Group 8 (10452), 10.1038, 2018
Enabling global analysis of protein citrullination via biotin thiol tag-assisted mass spectrometry
Y Shi, Z Li, B Wang, X Shi, H Ye, DG Delafield, L Lv, Z Ye, Z Chen, F Ma, ...
Analytical chemistry 94 (51), 17895-17903, 2022
Urinary metabolomic and proteomic analyses in a mouse model of prostatic inflammation
P Wei, L Hao, F Ma, Q Yu, AR Buchberger, S Lee, W Bushman, L Li
Urine 1, 17-23, 2019
The subcommissural organ regulates brain development via secreted peptides
T Zhang, D Ai, P Wei, Y Xu, Z Bi, F Ma, F Li, X Chen, Z Zhang, X Zou, ...
Nature Neuroscience, 1-13, 2024
Enabling global analysis of protein citrullination and homocitrullination via biotin thiol tag-assisted mass spectrometry
L Li, Y Shi, Z Li, B Wang, X Shi, H Ye, D Delafield, L Lv, Z Ye, Z Chen, ...
Cocaine-Induced Remodeling of the Rat Brain Peptidome: Quantitative Mass Spectrometry Reveals Anatomically Specific Patterns of Cocaine-Regulated Peptide Changes
G Lu, F Ma, P Wei, M Ma, VNH Tran, BA Baldo, L Li
ACS chemical neuroscience, 2024
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Articles 1–20