Melissa A Jensen
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Cited by
The ecological costs and benefits of a feral cat poison‐baiting programme for protection of reintroduced populations of the western quoll and brushtail possum
K Moseby, P Hodgens, H Bannister, P Mooney, R Brandle, C Lynch, ...
Austral Ecology 46 (8), 1366-1382, 2021
Intensive monitoring, the key to identifying cat predation as a major threat to native carnivore (Dasyurus geoffroii) reintroduction
KE Moseby, P Hodgens, D Peacock, P Mooney, R Brandle, C Lynch, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 30, 1547-1571, 2021
Delayed release improves site fidelity but has little effect on survival or breeding success of reintroduced western quolls (Dasyurus geoffroii)
MA Jensen, DC Paton, KE Moseby
Austral Ecology 46 (8), 1298-1310, 2021
Non-invasive monitoring of adrenocortical physiology in a threatened Australian marsupial, the western quoll (Dasyurus geoffroii)
MA Jensen, KE Moseby, DC Paton, KV Fanson
Conservation Physiology 7 (1), coz069, 2019
Topographic complexity potentially mediates cat predation risk for a critically endangered rodent
PJ McDonald, A Stewart, MA Jensen, HW McGregor
Wildlife Research, 2020
From threatened to threatening: Impacts of a reintroduced predator on reintroduced prey
B Stepkovitch, G Neave, MA Jensen, K Tuft, KE Moseby
Animal Conservation, 2023
Dietary flexibility and high predator efficacy facilitate coexistence in a novel predator interaction
KE Moseby, MA Jensen, J Tatler
Journal of Mammalogy 103 (1), 124-135, 2022
Skewed paternity impacts genetic diversity in a small reintroduced population of western quolls (Dasyurus geoffroii)
TP Manning, JJ Austin, KE Moseby, MA Jensen
Australian Mammalogy 45 (2), 199-209, 2022
Wildlife marking methods
HP Waudby, PA Burns, MA Jensen, JO Hampton, D Hunter, DT McKnight, ...
Wildlife Research in Australia: Practical and Applied Methods (Eds BP Smith …, 2022
Wildlife tracking methods
DS Morrant, JM Turner, MA Jensen, NA Hansen, DS Bower, G Körtner, ...
Wildlife Research in Australia: Practical and Applied Methods (Eds BP Smith …, 2022
Habitat use of the western barred bandicoot (Perameles bougainville) within the Arid Recovery Reserve
M Jensen
University of Adelaide, 2012
Trimeresurus insularis (White-lipped Island Pit Viper). Terrestriality.
R Somaweera, A Suyanto, R Quah, M Jensen, T Amarasinghe
Herpetological Review 54 (1), 145-146, 2023
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Articles 1–12