Sunil Mukherjee
Sunil Mukherjee
INSA-Sr Scientist; Plant Pathology, IARI
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RNA interference: biology, mechanism, and applications
N Agrawal, PVN Dasaradhi, A Mohmmed, P Malhotra, RK Bhatnagar, ...
Microbiology and molecular biology reviews 67 (4), 657-685, 2003
Role of RNA interference (RNAi) in dengue virus replication and identification of NS4B as an RNAi suppressor
PK Kakumani, SS Ponia, V Sood, M Chinnappan, AC Banerjea, ...
Journal of virology 87 (16), 8870-8883, 2013
MicroRNA profiling of tomato leaf curl new delhi virus (tolcndv) infected tomato leaves indicates that deregulation of mir159/319 and mir172 might be linked with …
AR Naqvi, QMR Haq, SK Mukherjee
Virology journal 7, 1-16, 2010
Genetic engineering for virus resistance
I Dasgupta, VG Malathi, SK Mukherjee
Current science 84 (3), 341-354, 2003
Effect of Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty ex silva. extract on grain quality, yield and some yield components of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
ST Zodapea, S Mukherjee, MP Reddy, DR Chaudhary
International Journal of Plant Production 3 (2), 97-101, 2009
Transgenic tomato plants expressing artificial microRNAs for silencing the pre-coat and coat proteins of a begomovirus, Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus, show tolerance to …
T Van Vu, NR Choudhury, SK Mukherjee
Virus Research 172 (1-2), 35-45, 2013
Enhancer-origin interaction in plasmid R6K involves a DNA loop mediated by initiator protein
S Mukherjee, H Erickson, D Bastia
Cell 52 (3), 375-383, 1988
Conformational changes in a replication origin induced by an initiator protein
S Mukherjee, I Patel, D Bastia
Cell 43 (1), 189-197, 1985
Effects of fruit juice blending ratios on kinnow juice preservation at ambient storage condition
RL Bhardwaj, S Mukherjee
African Journal of Food Science 5 (5), 281-286, 2011
Molecular characterization and infectivity of a Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus variant associated with newly emerging yellow mosaic disease of eggplant in India
D Pratap, AR Kashikar, SK Mukherjee
Virology journal 8, 1-13, 2011
The oligomeric Rep protein of Mungbean yellow mosaic India virus (MYMIV) is a likely replicative helicase
NR Choudhury, PS Malik, DK Singh, MN Islam, K Kaliappan, ...
Nucleic acids research 34 (21), 6362-6377, 2006
A draft genome assembly of the army worm, Spodoptera frugiperda
PK Kakumani, P Malhotra, SK Mukherjee, RK Bhatnagar
Genomics 104 (2), 134-143, 2014
Transport and magnetic properties of laser ablated La0. 7Ce0. 3MnO3 films on LaAlO3
P Raychaudhuri, S Mukherjee, AK Nigam, J John, UD Vaisnav, R Pinto, ...
Journal of applied physics 86 (10), 5718-5725, 1999
Molecular characterization of the Rep protein of the blackgram isolate of Indian mungbean yellow mosaic virus
V Pant, D Gupta, NR Choudhury, VG Malathi, A Varma, SK Mukherjee
Journal of General Virology 82 (10), 2559-2567, 2001
PCNA interacts with Indian mung bean yellow mosaic virus rep and downregulates Rep activity
B Bagewadi, S Chen, SK Lal, NR Choudhury, SK Mukherjee
Journal of virology 78 (21), 11890-11903, 2004
Cloning and validation of novel miRNA from basmati rice indicates cross talk between abiotic and biotic stresses
N Sanan-Mishra, V Kumar, SK Sopory, SK Mukherjee
Molecular Genetics and Genomics 282, 463-474, 2009
Transgenic plants over-expressing insect-specific microRNA acquire insecticidal activity against Helicoverpa armigera: an alternative to Bt-toxin technology
A Agrawal, V Rajamani, VS Reddy, SK Mukherjee, RK Bhatnagar
Transgenic research 24, 791-801, 2015
The DNA-A component of a plant geminivirus (Indian mung bean yellow mosaic virus) replicates in budding yeast cells
V Raghavan, PS Malik, NR Choudhury, SK Mukherjee
Journal of virology 78 (5), 2405-2413, 2004
Suppression of RNA silencing by Flock house virus B2 protein is mediated through its interaction with the PAZ domain of Dicer
G Singh, S Popli, Y Hari, P Malhotra, S Mukherjee, RK Bhatnagar
The FASEB Journal 23 (6), 1845-1857, 2009
A survey of geminiviruses and associated satellite DNAs in the cotton-growing areas of northwestern India
V Zaffalon, SK Mukherjee, VS Reddy, JR Thompson, M Tepfer
Archives of virology 157 (3), 483-495, 2012
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Articles 1–20