Federico Heras
Cited by
Cited by
Existential arc consistency: Getting closer to full arc consistency in weighted CSPs
S De Givry, F Heras, M Zytnicki, J Larrosa
IJCAI 5, 84-89, 2005
Iterative and core-guided MaxSAT solving: A survey and assessment
A Morgado, F Heras, M Liffiton, J Planes, J Marques-Silva
Constraints 18, 478-534, 2013
On computing minimal correction subsets
J Marques-Silva, F Heras, M Janota, A Previti, A Belov
Twenty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2013
MiniMaxSAT: An efficient weighted Max-SAT solver
F Heras, J Larrosa, A Oliveras
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 31, 1-32, 2008
A logical approach to efficient Max-SAT solving
J Larrosa, F Heras, S De Givry
Artificial Intelligence 172 (2-3), 204-233, 2008
MiniMaxSat: A new weighted Max-SAT solver
F Heras, J Larrosa, A Oliveras
International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability …, 2007
Resolution in Max-SAT and its relation to local consistency in weighted CSPs
J Larrosa, F Heras
IJCAI 5, 193-198, 2005
Core-guided binary search algorithms for maximum satisfiability
F Heras, A Morgado, J Marques-Silva
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 25 (1), 36-41, 2011
New inference rules for efficient Max-SAT solving
F Heras, J Larrosa
AAAI, 68-73, 2006
Improvements to core-guided binary search for MaxSAT
A Morgado, F Heras, J Marques-Silva
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing–SAT 2012: 15th …, 2012
2006 and 2007 Max-SAT evaluations: Contributed instances
F Heras, J Larrosa, S De Givry, T Schiex
Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation 4 (2-4), 239-250, 2008
Read-once resolution for unsatisfiability-based Max-SAT algorithms
F Heras, J Marques-Silva
IJCAI, 572-577, 2011
MaxSAT-based encodings for group MaxSAT
F Heras, A Morgado, J Marques-Silva
Ai Communications 28 (2), 195-214, 2015
Toolbar: a state-of-the-art platform for wcsp
S Bouveret, F Heras, S de Givry, J Larrosa, M Sanchez, T Schiex
An empirical study of encodings for group MaxSAT
F Heras, A Morgado, J Marques-Silva
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 25th Canadian Conference on Artificial …, 2012
Intelligent variable orderings and re-orderings in DAC-based solvers for WCSP
F Heras, J Larrosa
Journal of heuristics 12, 287-306, 2006
Max-CSP competition 2008: toulbar2 solver description
M Sánchez, S Bouveret, S de Givry, F Heras, P Jégou, J Larrosa, ...
Proceedings of the Third International CSP Solver Competition, 63-70, 2008
Model-guided approaches for MaxSAT solving
A Morgado, F Heras, J Marques-Silva
2013 IEEE 25th International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2013
The impact of Max-SAT resolution-based preprocessors on local search solvers
F Heras, D Baneres
Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modelling and Computation 7 (2-3), 89-126, 2011
A Max-SAT inference-based pre-processing for max-clique
F Heras, J Larrosa
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing–SAT 2008: 11th …, 2008
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Articles 1–20