Liang Sun
Liang Sun
School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Energy Power Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology
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First-and second-order analysis of resonant waves between adjacent barges
L Sun, R Eatock Taylor, PH Taylor
Journal of Fluids and Structures 26 (6), 954-978, 2010
Modelling of multi-bodies in close proximity under water waves — Fluid forces on floating bodies
L Lu, B Teng, L Sun, B Chen
Ocean Engineering 38 (13), 1403-1416, 2011
Modelling of multi-bodies in close proximity under water waves — Fluid resonance in narrow gaps
L Lu, B Teng, L Cheng, L Sun, XB Chen
SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 54 (1), 16-25, 2011
Responses of interconnected floating bodies
L Sun, R Eatock Taylor, YS Choo
The IES Journal Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering 4 (3), 143-156, 2011
Multi-body dynamic analysis of float-over installations
L Sun, R Eatock Taylor, YS Choo
Ocean Engineering 51, 1-15, 2012
An experimental decomposition of nonlinear forces on a surface-piercing column: Stokes-type expansions of the force harmonics
LF Chen, J Zang, PH Taylor, L Sun, GCJ Morgan, J Grice, J Orszaghova, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 848, 42-77, 2018
Wave driven free surface motion in the gap between a tanker and an FLNG barge
L Sun, R Eatock Taylor, PH Taylor
Applied Ocean Research 51, 331-349, 2015
Extreme motion and response statistics for survival of the three-float wave energy converter M4 in intermediate water depth
H Santo, PH Taylor, EC Moreno, P Stansby, RE Taylor, L Sun, J Zang
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 813, 175-204, 2017
Numerical simulation and comparison of potential flow and viscous fluid models in near trapping of narrow gaps
L Lu, L Cheng, B Teng, L Sun
Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B 22 (5), Supplement 1, 120-125, 2010
Regular waves onto a truncated circular column: A comparison of experiments and simulations
L Sun, J Zang, L Chen, R Eatock Taylor, PH Taylor
Applied Ocean Research, 2016
Effects of the end-stop mechanism on the nonlinear dynamics and power generation of a point absorber in regular waves
M Chen, P Xiao, Z Zhang, L Sun, F Li
Ocean Engineering 242, 110123, 2021
A reliable open-source package for performance evaluation of floating renewable energy systems in coastal and offshore regions
Y Liu, S Yoshida, C Hu, M Sueyoshi, L Sun, J Gao, P Cong, G He
Energy Conversion and Management 174, 516-536, 2018
Linear diffraction analysis of the three-float multi-mode wave energy converter M4 for power capture and structural analysis in irregular waves with experimental validation
L Sun, J Zang, P Stansby, EC Moreno, PH Taylor, RE Taylor
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy 3 (1), 51–68, 2017
Performance evaluation of a dual resonance wave-energy convertor in irregular waves
Z Chen, B Zhou, L Zhang, L Sun, X Zhang
Applied Ocean Research 77, 78-88, 2018
Linear diffraction analysis for optimisation of the three-float multi-mode wave energy converter M4 in regular waves including small arrays
L Sun, P Stansby, J Zang, E Carpintero Moreno, PH Taylor
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy 2 (4), 429-438, 2016
Numerical simulation of local scour around two pipelines in tandem using CFD–DEM method
D Hu, W Tang, L Sun, F Li, X Ji, Z Duan
Applied Ocean Research 93, 101968, 2019
Numerical study of roll motion of a 2-D floating structure in viscous flow
L Chen, L Sun, J Zang, A Hillis, A Plummer
Journal of Hydrodynamics (Ser. B) 28 (4), 544–563, 2016
Numerical analysis of a floating semi-submersible wind turbine integrated with a point absorber wave energy convertor
M Chen, R Wang, P Xiao, L Zhu, F Li, L Sun
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-20-1168, 2020
Removing irregular frequencies by a partial discontinuous higher order boundary element method
L Sun, B Teng, CF Liu
Ocean Engineering 35 (8), 920-930, 2008
Numerical Analysis of GBS Float-Over Deck Installation at Docking and Undocking Stages Based on a Coupled Heave-Roll-Pitch Impact Model
M Chen, M Zou, L Zhu, L Sun
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 58882 …, 2019
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Articles 1–20