Juan Zeng
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Cited by
Discovery and characterization of novel, potent, and selective cytochrome P450 2J2 inhibitors
S Ren, J Zeng, Y Mei, JZH Zhang, SF Yan, J Fei, L Chen
Drug Metabolism and Disposition 41 (1), 60-71, 2013
A numerically stable restrained electrostatic potential charge fitting method
J Zeng, LL Duan, JZH Zhang, Y Mei
Journal of computational chemistry 34 (10), 847-853, 2013
Conformational features of Ras: Key hydrogen-bonding interactions of Gln61 in the intermediate state during GTP hydrolysis
J Zeng, J Weng, Y Zhang, F Xia, Q Cui, X Xu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 125 (31), 8805-8813, 2021
Electrostatic polarization is critical for the strong binding in streptavidin‐biotin system
Y Mei, YL Li, J Zeng, JZH Zhang
Journal of computational chemistry 33 (15), 1374-1382, 2012
The F130L mutation in streptavidin reduces its binding affinity to biotin through electronic polarization effect
J Zeng, X Jia, JZH Zhang, Y Mei
Journal of Computational Chemistry 34 (31), 2677-2686, 2013
Structural prediction of the dimeric form of the mammalian translocator membrane protein TSPO: a key target for brain diagnostics
J Zeng, R Guareschi, M Damre, R Cao, A Kless, B Neumaier, A Bauer, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 19 (9), 2588, 2018
Mechanism of phosphorylation-induced folding of 4E-BP2 revealed by molecular dynamics simulations
J Zeng, F Jiang, YD Wu
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 13 (1), 320-328, 2017
Identification of functional substates of KRas during GTP hydrolysis with enhanced sampling simulations
J Zeng, J Chen, F Xia, Q Cui, X Deng, X Xu
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (13), 7653-7665, 2022
Conformations and binding pockets of HRas and its guanine nucleotide exchange factors complexes in the guanosine triphosphate exchange process
Y Xiong, J Zeng, F Xia, Q Cui, X Deng, X Xu
Journal of Computational Chemistry 43 (13), 906-916, 2022
Folding simulations of an α-helical hairpin motif αtα with residue-specific force fields
J Zeng, F Jiang, YD Wu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120 (1), 33-41, 2016
From levinthal’s paradox to the effects of cell environmental perturbation on protein folding
J Zeng, Z Huang
Current Medicinal Chemistry 26 (42), 7537-7554, 2019
Accessing the applicability of polarized protein‐specific charge in linear interaction energy analysis
X Jia, J Zeng, JZH Zhang, Y Mei
Journal of Computational Chemistry 35 (9), 737-747, 2014
The intrinsic helical propensities of the helical fragments in prion protein under neutral and low pH conditions: a replica exchange molecular dynamics study
X Lu, J Zeng, Y Gao, JZH Zhang, D Zhang, Y Mei
Journal of molecular modeling 19, 4897-4908, 2013
Conjugation of weak ligands with weak antigens to activate TLR-7: A step toward better vaccine adjuvants
D Gao, J Zeng, X Wang, Y Liu, W Li, Y Hu, N Gao, Y Diao, Z Wang, ...
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 120, 111-120, 2016
Examination of the quality of various force fields and solvation models for the equilibrium simulations of GA88 and GB88
J Zeng, Y Li, JZH Zhang, Y Mei
Journal of molecular modeling 22, 1-14, 2016
Unveiling the State Transition Mechanisms of Ras Proteins through Enhanced Sampling and QM/MM Simulations
F Hu, Y Wang, J Zeng, X Deng, F Xia, X Xu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 128 (6), 1418-1427, 2024
SPLHRNMTF: robust orthogonal non-negative matrix tri-factorization with self-paced learning and dual hypergraph regularization for predicting miRNA-disease associations
D Ouyang, R Miao, J Zeng, X Li, N Ai, P Wang, J Hou, J Zheng
BMC genomics 25 (1), 885, 2024
The human eIF4E: 4E-BP2 complex structure for studying hyperphosphorylation
J Zeng, CM Lu, X Huang, Y Li
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26 (14), 10660-10672, 2024
Conformations and Binding Pockets of HRas and its GEF· HRas Complexes in the GTP Exchange Process
Y Xiong, J Zeng, F Xia, Q Cui, X Deng, X Xu
Journal of computational chemistry 43 (13), 906, 2022
The intrinsic helical propensities of the helical fragments in prion protein under neutral and low pH conditions: a replica exchange molecular dynamics study
JZH Zhang, X Lu, J Zeng, Y Gao, D Zhang, Y Mei
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Articles 1–20