Harti Umbu Mala
Harti Umbu Mala
Fisika, Fakultas Sains dan Teknik, Universitas Nusa Cendana
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Earthquake Microzonation Study on Batubesi Dam of Nuha, East Luwu, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
HU Mala, A Prasetio
GEOMATE Journal 15 (48), 148-154, 2018
Sunaryo. 2015. Kajian Mikrotremor dan Geolistrik Resistivitas di Sekitar Jalan Arteri Primer Trans Timor Untuk Mitigasi Bencana
HU Mala, A Susilo
Natural B 3 (1), 0
Ground shear strain value based on microseismic data in Oebelo, Kupang NTT
HU Mala, HF Lalus, P Nanlohy, AY Elake
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2017 (1), 012007, 2021
Microtremor and Geolistrik Resistivity Study Around the Trans Timor Primary Arterial Road for Disaster Mitigation
HU Mala, A Susilo, S Sunaryo
Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences 3 (1), 024-034, 2015
Arah Penyebaran Stress Coulomb pada Batuan akibat Gempabumi Kairatu 26 September 2019
HU Mala, JN Mohamad
Jurnal Wahana Fisika 5 (1), 62-70, 2020
A modified sinusoidal perturbation on a two distinguishable spin particles system
HF Lalus, HU Mala, AS Hali, MDS Bani
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2017 (1), 012003, 2021
Kajian Mikrotremor dan Geolistrik Resistivitas di Sekitar Jalan Arteri Primer Trans Timor, Desa Oebelo Kabupaten Kupang-NTT untuk Mitigasi Bencana.
HU Mala
Universitas Brawijaya, 2015
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Articles 1–7