Dr Lakshmi Ramani Burra
Dr Lakshmi Ramani Burra
Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation (KLEF)
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Cited by
Cited by
Comparative analysis of customer loan approval prediction using machine learning algorithms
P Tumuluru, LR Burra, M Loukya, S Bhavana, HMH CSaiBaba, ...
2022 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart …, 2022
IoT as a health guide tool
SH Raju, LR Burra, SF Waris, S Kavitha
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 981 (4), 042015, 2020
WITHDRAWN: Women’s e-commerce clothing sentiment analysis by probabilistic model LDA using R-SPARK
N Parveen, M Santhi, LR Burra, V Pellakuri, H Pellakuri
Materials today: proceedings, 2021
Deep Learning and Fuzzy Rule-Based Hybrid Fusion Model for Data Classification
BL Ramani, P Poosapati, P Tumuluru, C Saibaba, M Radha, K Prasuna
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 8 (2), 2019
OpenCV Algorithms for facial recognition
P Tumuluru, BL Ramani, C Saibaba, B Venkateswarlu, N Ravindar
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering …, 2019
Smart Eye Testing, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021, ISCDA 2020, 1312 AISC
S Hrushikesava Raju, LR Burra, SF Waris, S Kavitha, S Dorababu
Smart eye testing
SH Raju, LR Burra, SF Waris, S Kavitha, S Dorababu
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 173-181, 2021
Secure qr-pay system with ciphering techniques in mobile devices
S Gonaboina, LR Burra, P Tumuluru
International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering 1 (4 …, 2012
APMWMM: Approach to Probe Malware on Windows Machine using Machine Learning
P Tumuluru, LR Burra, MVV Reddy, S Sudarsa, Y Sreeraman, ALA Reddy
2022 International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence and …, 2022
A novel privacy preserving biometric authentication scheme using polynomial time key algorithm in cloud computing
P Tumuluru, LR Burra, D BhavaniDasari, CHMH Saibaba, B Revathi, ...
2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems …, 2021
Dpmlt: Diabetes prediction using machine learning techniques
P Tumuluru, LR Burra, KK Sushanth, SN Vali, C SaiBaba, P Yellamma
2022 International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS …, 2022
Fine-tuning for transfer learning of ResNet152 for disease identification in tomato leaves
LR Burra, J Bonam, P Tumuluru, B Narendra Kumar Rao
Intelligent Computing and Applications: Proceedings of ICDIC 2020, 295-302, 2022
Adaptive Lion Fuzzy System to Generate the Classification Rules using Membership Functions based on Uniform Distribution
DPP Lakshmi Ramani Burra
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 12 (24), 14421-14433, 2017
Edge intelligence with light weight cnn model for surface defect detection in manufacturing industry
DS Rani, LR Burra, G Kalyani, B Rao
Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research 82 (02), 178-184, 2023
MobileNetV2-based transfer learning model with edge computing for automatic fabric defect detection
LR Burra, A Karuna, S Tumma, K Marlapalli, P Tumuluru
Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research 82 (1), 128-134, 2022
Eyesight Test through Remote Virtual Doctor Using IoT
SH Raju, LR Burra, SF Waris, VL Lalitha, S Dorababu, S Kavitha
Smart Computing and Self-Adaptive Systems, 83-95, 2021
A Study of Notations and Illustrations of Axiomatic Fuzzy Set Theory
DPP Lakshmi Ramani Burra
International Journal of Computer Applications 134 (11), 0975 – 8887, 2016
Secure QR-Pay System with Ciphering Techniques in Mobile Devices
International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering, PVP …, 2012
SMS: Signs may save–traffic sign recognition and detection using CNN
P Tumuluru, LR Burra, N Sunanda, SS Hussain, D Madhu, HV Varma
2022 6th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and …, 2022
Smart eye testing
S Hrushikesava Raju, LR Burra, SF Waris, S Kavitha, S Dorababu
International Conference on Intelligent and Smart Computing in Data …, 2021
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Articles 1–20