Shaija A
Shaija A
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Calicut
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Cited by
A review on the extraction of lipid from microalgae for biodiesel production
M Mubarak, A Shaija, TV Suchithra
Algal Research 7, 117-123, 2015
Flocculation: An effective way to harvest microalgae for biodiesel production
M Mubarak, A Shaija, TV Suchithra
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (4), 103221, 2019
Experimental evaluation of Salvinia molesta oil biodiesel/diesel blends fuel on combustion, performance and emission analysis of diesel engine
M Mubarak, A Shaija, TV Suchithra
Fuel 287, 119526, 2021
Ultrasonication: An effective pre-treatment method for extracting lipid from Salvinia molesta for biodiesel production
M Mubarak, A Shaija, TV Suchithra
Resource-Efficient Technologies 2 (3), 126-132, 2016
Effect of surface radiation on conjugate natural convection in a horizontal annulus driven by inner heat generating solid cylinder
A Shaija, G Narasimham
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (25-26), 5759-5769, 2009
Effect of repeated heating of coconut, sunflower, and palm oils on their fatty acid profiles, biodiesel properties and performance, combustion, and emission, characteristics of …
MM Niyas, A Shaija
Fuel 328, 125242, 2022
Performance evaluation of diesel engine using biodiesels from waste coconut, sunflower, and palm cooking oils, and their hybrids
MM Niyas, A Shaija
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 53, 102681, 2022
Optimization of lipid extraction from Salvinia molesta for biodiesel production using RSM and its FAME analysis
M Mubarak, A Shaija, TV Suchithra
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 14047-14055, 2016
A review on the extraction of lipid from microalgae for biodiesel production. Algal Res 7: 117–123
M Mubarak, A Shaija, TV Suchithra
Biodiesel production from coconut waste cooking oil using novel solar powered rotating flask oscillatory flow reactor and its utilization in diesel engine
MM Niyas, A Shaija
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 40, 101794, 2023
Performance, combustion and emission characteristics of a diesel engine using waste avocado biodiesel with manganese-doped alumina nanoparticles
S Rajesh Kana, A Shaija
International Journal of Ambient Energy 43 (1), 1437-1444, 2022
Bubble column photobioreactor for Chlorella pyrenoidosa cultivation and validating gas hold up and volumetric mass transfer coefficient
M Mubarak, A Shaija, P Prashanth
Energy Sour Part A Recovery Util Environ Eff 10 (15567036.2019), 1680769, 2019
On simulation of backward facing step flow using immersed boundary method
CA Saleel, A Shaija, S Jayaraj
Am. J. Fluid Dyn 3 (2), 9-19, 2013
Evaluation of ferric chloride and electroflocculation of Chlorella pyrenoidosa and reuse of the culture medium for subsequent cultures
M Mubarak, A Shaija, TV Suchithra
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (1), 103612, 2020
Cost Effective Approach for Production of Chlorella pyrenoidosa: A RSM Based Study
M Mubarak, A Shaija, TV Suchithra
Waste and Biomass Valorization 10, 3307-3319, 2019
Computational analysis of reacting flows in afterburner
G Srinivasa Rao, A Shaija
Heat Transfer Engineering 41 (6-7), 576-594, 2020
A review on the extraction of lipid from microalgae for biodiesel production, Algal Res. 7 (2015) 117–123
M Mubarak, A Shaija, TV Suchithra
Ultrasonication: An effective pre-treatment method for extracting lipid from Salvinia molesta for biodiesel production. Resource-Efficient Technologies, 2 (3), 126–132
M Mubarak, A Shaija, TV Suchithra
Computational simulation of fluid flow over a triangular step using immersed boundary method
CA Saleel, A Shaija, S Jayaraj
International Journal of Computational Methods 10 (04), 1350016, 2013
Performance and emission analysis of single cylinder SI engine using bioethanol-gasoline blend produced from Salvinia Molesta
P Gupta, P Protim Das, M Mubarak, A Shaija
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 297, 012005, 2018
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Articles 1–20