Alina Chanaewa
Alina Chanaewa
Postdoc at Physics of Energy, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
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Cited by
Plasmon‐enhanced photocurrent of photosynthetic pigment proteins on nanoporous silver
VM Friebe, JD Delgado, DJK Swainsbury, JM Gruber, A Chanaewa, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 26 (2), 285-292, 2016
Loss mechanisms in high efficiency polymer solar cells
RCI MacKenzie, VS Balderrama, S Schmeisser, R Stoof, S Greedy, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 6 (4), 1501742, 2016
Carbon supported CdSe nanocrystals
BH Juarez, M Meyns, A Chanaewa, Y Cai, C Klinke, H Weller
Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (46), 15282-15284, 2008
Controlling Charge Carrier Overlap in Type-II ZnSe/ZnS/CdS Core–Barrier–Shell Quantum Dots
K Boldt, C Ramanan, A Chanaewa, M Werheid, A Eychmüller
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6 (13), 2590-2597, 2015
A Combined Experimental−Theoretical Study on the Lithiation/Electrophilic Quench Sequence of (η5-Cyclohexadienyl)Mn(CO)3 Complexes
B Jacques, A Chanaewa, M Chavarot-Kerlidou, F Rose-Munch, E Rose, ...
Organometallics 27 (4), 626-636, 2008
Charge redistribution and extraction in photocatalytically synthesized Au–ZnO nanohybrids
A Chanaewa, J Schmitt, M Meyns, M Volkmann, C Klinke, E von Hauff
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (37), 21704-21710, 2015
Oxygen and light sensitive field-effect transistors based on ZnO nanoparticles attached to individual double-walled carbon nanotubes
A Chanaewa, BH Juárez, H Weller, C Klinke
Nanoscale 4 (1), 251-256, 2012
Vertically oriented carbon nanostructures and their application potential for polymer-based solar cells
H Borchert, F Witt, A Chanaewa, F Werner, J Dorn, T Dufaux, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (1), 412-419, 2012
Controlled Morphology of ZnO Nanorods for Electron Transport in Squaraine Bulk‐Hetero Junction Solar Cells With Thick Active Layers
A Peukert, L Vaillant Roca, M Scherer, R Lovrincic, C Ramanan, ...
Solar RRL 1 (12), 1700132, 2017
Thermally evaporated Ag nanoparticle films for plasmonic enhancement in organic solar cells: effects of particle geometry
G Haidari, M Hajimahmoodzadeh, HR Fallah, A Peukert, A Chanaewa, ...
physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 9 (3), 161-165, 2015
The role of CdCl2 treatments and annealing in the formation of sintered CdTe nanocrystal solar cells
G Jain, A Ahnood, A Chanaewa, K Fox, P Mulvaney
Physics Letters A 383 (11), 1199-1202, 2019
Trap-induced dispersive transport and dielectric loss in PbS nanoparticle films
A Chanaewa, K Poulsen, A Gräfe, C Gimmler, E Von Hauff
Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie 231 (1), 121-134, 2017
Temperature dependent seeding effects on hydrothermally grown zinc oxide nanorods: Towards low temperatures and high scalability
L Vaillant-Roca, A Peukert, M Wittmer, O Almora, A Chanaewa, ...
Revista Cubana de Física 31 (1E), 85-86, 2014
Bioelectronics: Plasmon-Enhanced Photocurrent of Photosynthetic Pigment Proteins on Nanoporous Silver (Adv. Funct. Mater. 2/2016).
VM Friebe, JD Delgado, DJK Swainsbury, JM Gruber, A Chanaewa, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 26 (2), 2016
Metalloxid-Kohlenstoffnanoröhren-Komposite für elektrische Bauteile
A Chanaewa
Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky, 2011
Synthesis and characterization of semiconductor nanoparticle-narbon-nanotube composites in terms of their application in hybrid solar cells
A Chanaewa, BH Juárez, C Klinke, H Weller
Plasmon enhanced photocurrent of photosynthetic pigment-proteins
VM Friebe, JD Delgado, DJK Swainsbury, JM Gruber, A Chanaewa, ...
Supporting information for Thermally evaporated Ag nanoparticle films for plasmonic enhancement in organic solar cells: effects of particle geometry
G Haidari, M Hajimahmoodzadeh, HR Fallah, A Peukert, A Chanaewa, ...
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Articles 1–18