Debajit Chaudhury, Ph.D.
Debajit Chaudhury, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher
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Assessment of mineral pathophysiology in patients with diabetic foot ulcer
C Yadav, RM Srikantiah, P Manjrekar, MT Shenoy, D Chaudhury
Biological trace element research 195 (2), 366-372, 2020
Differential sensitivities of triple‐negative breast cancer stem cell towards various doses of vitamin C: An insight into the internal antioxidant systems
U Sen, D Chaudhury, S Shenoy P, B Bose
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 122 (3-4), 349-366, 2021
Assessment of oxidative damage in the primary mouse ocular surface cells/stem cells in response to ultraviolet-C (UV-C) damage
B Bose, S Kapoor, U Sen, MN As, D Chaudhury, S Shenoy
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), e59924, 2020
Thorium promotes lung, liver and kidney damage in BALB/c mouse via alterations in antioxidant systems
D Chaudhury, U Sen, BK Sahoo, NN Bhat, S Kumara, N Karunakara, ...
Chemico-Biological Interactions 363, 109977, 2022
Lung damage by thoron progenies versus possible damage redemption by lung stem cells: a perspective
D Chaudhury, U Sen, NN Bhat, BK Sahoo, S Shenoy P, B Bose
International Journal of Radiation Biology 96 (11), 1362-1373, 2020
Arachidonic acid modulates the cellular energetics of human pluripotent stem cells and protects the embryoid bodies from embryotoxicity effects in vitro
M Nihad, U Sen, D Chaudhury, UN Das, S Shenoy, B Bose
Reproductive Toxicology 120, 108438, 2023
Significance of Oct‐4 transcription factor as a pivotal therapeutic target for CD44+/24 mammary tumor initiating cells: Aiming at the root of the recurrence
U Sen, S Shanavas, AH Nagendra, M Nihad, D Chaudhury, ...
Cell Biology International 47 (4), 742-753, 2023
Study of chronic effects of varying dosage of X-rays on hepatotoxicity in wistar albino rats
C Debajit, K Reshma, K Sudha, C Yadav, R Rai
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 11 (2), 293-296, 2018
Mitigation of chronic glucotoxicity-mediated skeletal muscle atrophy by arachidonic acid
A Mitra, S Shanavas, D Chaudhury, B Bose, UN Das, S Shenoy
Life Sciences 333, 122141, 2023
Assessment of threshold dose of thoron inhalation and its biological effects by mimicking the radiation doses in monazite placer deposits corresponding to the normal, medium …
D Chaudhury, U Sen, S Biswas, S Shenoy P, B Bose
Biological Trace Element Research 201 (6), 2927-2941, 2023
Chronic effects of ionising radiation induced renal damage in albino Wistar rats
CY Reshma K, Debjith C, Sudha K., Chiranth, Rahul Y
Biomedicine 40 (1), 51-54, 2020
Sodium fluoride induces skeletal muscle atrophy via changes in mitochondrial and sarcomeric proteomes
AH Nagendra, A Ray, D Chaudhury, A Mitra, AV Ranade, B Bose, ...
PLoS One 17 (12), e0279261, 2022
Evaluation of serum proteome from Indian psoriasis patients
MMS Saiqa R. Shah, Varshasnata Mohanty, Debajit Chaudhury, T.S. Keshava Prasad
Bioinformation 18 (3), 141-146, 2022
Differential sensitivities of triple-negative breast cancer stem cell towards various doses of vitamin C: An insight into the internal antioxidant systems (vol 122, pg 349, 2021)
U Sen, D Chaudhury, P Shenoy, B Bose
Development and Evaluation of a customized yoga module to alleviate stress among the employees of a Deemed to be University of coastal Karnataka, India
P Thalanjeri, K Gowda, G Balakrishnan, B Kalpana, A Dutt, S Govindan, ...
Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice 26, 100493, 2022
Inhalation of thoron (Tn) gas in controlled conditions of high background radiation (HBR) using natural thorium: Radioactive dose deposition and acute pneumocystis changes in mouse
D Chaudhury, U Sen, NN Bhat, BK Sahoo, S Shenoy, S Biswas, ...
European Respiratory Journal 56 (suppl 64), 2020
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Articles 1–16