Kaden Hazzard
Cited by
Cited by
Observation of dipolar spin-exchange interactions with lattice-confined polar molecules
B Yan, SA Moses, B Gadway, JP Covey, KRA Hazzard, AM Rey, DS Jin, ...
Nature 501 (7468), 521-525, 2013
Quantum Simulators: Architectures and Opportunities
E Altman, KR Brown, G Carleo, LD Carr, E Demler, C Chin, B DeMarco, ...
PRX Quantum 2 (1), 017003, 2021
Two-particle quantum interference in tunnel-coupled optical tweezers
AM Kaufman, BJ Lester, CM Reynolds, ML Wall, M Foss-Feig, ...
Science 345 (6194), 306-309, 2014
Many-body dynamics of dipolar molecules in an optical lattice
KRA Hazzard, B Gadway, M Foss-Feig, B Yan, SA Moses, JP Covey, ...
Physical review letters 113 (19), 195302, 2014
Suppressing the Loss of Ultracold Molecules Via the Continuous Quantum Zeno Effect
B Zhu, B Gadway, M Foss-Feig, J Schachenmayer, ML Wall, ...
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 070404, 2014
Far-from-equilibrium quantum magnetism with ultracold polar molecules
KRA Hazzard, SR Manmana, M Foss-Feig, AM Rey
Physical review letters 110 (7), 075301, 2013
Quantum correlations and entanglement in far-from-equilibrium spin systems
KRA Hazzard, M van den Worm, M Foss-Feig, SR Manmana, ...
Physical Review A 90 (6), 063622, 2014
Topological phases in ultracold polar-molecule quantum magnets
SR Manmana, EM Stoudenmire, KRA Hazzard, AM Rey, AV Gorshkov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (8), 081106, 2013
Novel Dielectric Anomaly in the Hole-Doped and Insulators: Signature of an Electronic Glassy State
T Park, Z Nussinov, KRA Hazzard, VA Sidorov, AV Balatsky, JL Sarrao, ...
Physical review letters 94 (1), 017002, 2005
Quantum magnetism with ultracold molecules
ML Wall, KRA Hazzard, AM Rey
From atomic to mesoscale: the role of quantum coherence in systems of …, 2015
SU magnetism in chains of ultracold alkaline-earth-metal atoms: Mott transitions and quantum correlations
SR Manmana, KRA Hazzard, G Chen, AE Feiguin, AM Rey
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (4), 043601, 2011
Nonequilibrium dynamics of arbitrary-range Ising models with decoherence: An exact analytic solution
M Foss-Feig, KRA Hazzard, JJ Bollinger, AM Rey
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (4), 042101, 2013
Quenching to unitarity: Quantum dynamics in a three-dimensional Bose gas
AG Sykes, JP Corson, JP D'Incao, AP Koller, CH Greene, AM Rey, ...
Physical Review A 89 (2), 021601, 2014
Realizing topological edge states with Rydberg-atom synthetic dimensions
SK Kanungo, JD Whalen, Y Lu, M Yuan, S Dasgupta, FB Dunning, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 972, 2022
Complexity of small silicon self-interstitial defects
DA Richie, J Kim, SA Barr, KRA Hazzard, R Hennig, JW Wilkins
Physical review letters 92 (4), 045501, 2004
Synthetic dimensions in ultracold polar molecules
B Sundar, B Gadway, KRA Hazzard
Scientific reports 8 (1), 1-7, 2018
Observation of antiferromagnetic correlations in an ultracold SU(N) Hubbard model
S Taie, E Ibarra-García-Padilla, N Nishizawa, Y Takasu, Y Kuno, HT Wei, ...
Nature Physics 18 (11), 1356-1361, 2022
High-temperature properties of fermionic alkaline-earth-metal atoms in optical lattices
KRA Hazzard, V Gurarie, M Hermele, AM Rey
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (4), 041604, 2012
Rydberg-blockade effects in Autler-Townes spectra of ultracold strontium
BJ DeSalvo, JA Aman, C Gaul, T Pohl, S Yoshida, J Burgdörfer, ...
Physical Review A 93 (2), 022709, 2016
Local versus global equilibration near the bosonic Mott-insulator–superfluid transition
SS Natu, KRA Hazzard, EJ Mueller
Physical review letters 106 (12), 125301, 2011
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Articles 1–20