Bonnie Westra
Bonnie Westra
Associate Professor of Nursing, University of Minnesota
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Cited by
The Nursing Minimum Data Set: abstraction tool for standardized, comparable, essential data.
HH Werley, EC Devine, CR Zorn, P Ryan, BL Westra
American journal of public health 81 (4), 421-426, 1991
Delay within the 3-hour surviving sepsis campaign guideline on mortality for patients with severe sepsis and septic shock
L Pruinelli, BL Westra, P Yadav, A Hoff, M Steinbach, V Kumar, ...
Critical care medicine 46 (4), 500-505, 2018
Nursing standards to support the electronic health record
BL Westra, CW Delaney, D Konicek, G Keenan
Nursing outlook 56 (5), 258-266. e1, 2008
Children of battered women
B Westra, HP Martin
Maternal-child nursing journal 10 (1), 41-54, 1981
A national action plan for sharable and comparable nursing data to support practice and translational research for transforming health care
BL Westra, GE Latimer, SA Matney, JI Park, J Sensmeier, RL Simpson, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 22 (3), 600-607, 2015
A data quality ontology for the secondary use of EHR data
SG Johnson, S Speedie, G Simon, V Kumar, BL Westra
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2015, 1937, 2015
Development of the home care client satisfaction instrument
BL Westra, L Cullen, D Brody, P Jump, L Geanon, E Milad
Public Health Nursing 12 (6), 393-399, 1995
Nursing knowledge: big data science—implications for nurse leaders
BL Westra, TR Clancy, J Sensmeier, JJ Warren, C Weaver, CW Delaney
Nursing administration quarterly 39 (4), 304-310, 2015
Big data science: A literature review of nursing research exemplars
BL Westra, M Sylvia, EF Weinfurter, L Pruinelli, JI Park, D Dodd, ...
Nursing outlook 65 (5), 549-561, 2017
Informatics competencies for nursing and healthcare leaders
BL Westra, CW Delaney
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2008, 804, 2008
Application of an ontology for characterizing data quality for a secondary use of EHR data
SG Johnson, S Speedie, G Simon, V Kumar, BL Westra
Applied clinical informatics 7 (01), 69-88, 2016
Clustering of elderly patient subgroups to identify medication-related readmission risks
CH Olson, S Dey, V Kumar, KA Monsen, BL Westra
International journal of medical informatics 85 (1), 43-52, 2016
Guideposts to the future—an agenda for nursing informatics
KA McCormick, CJ Delaney, PF Brennan, JA Effken, K Kendrick, J Murphy, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 14 (1), 19-24, 2007
Effectiveness of wound, ostomy and continence–certified nurses on individual patient outcomes in home health care
DZ Bliss, BL Westra, K Savik, Y Hou
Journal of Wound Ostomy & Continence Nursing 40 (2), 135-142, 2013
The feasibility of integrating the Omaha system data across home care agencies and vendors
BL Westra, C Oancea, K Savik, KD Marek
CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 28 (3), 162-171, 2010
Incorporating cultural competence content into graduate nursing curricula through community—university collaboration
SA Axtell, M Avery, B Westra
Journal of Transcultural Nursing 21 (2), 183-191, 2010
The concept of integration: a foundation for evaluating outcomes of nursing care
BL Westra, BL Rodgers
Journal of Professional Nursing 7 (5), 277-282, 1991
Effectiveness of wound, ostomy, and continence nurses on agency-level wound and incontinence outcomes in home care
BL Westra, DZ Bliss, K Savik, Y Hou, A Borchert
Home Healthcare Now 32 (2), 119-127, 2014
Achieving" meaningful use" of electronic health records through the integration of the nursing management minimum data set
BL Westra, A Subramanian, CM Hart, SA Matney, PS Wilson, SM Huff, ...
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration 40 (7/8), 336-343, 2010
Evidence-based standardized care plans for use internationally to improve home care practice and population health
KA Monsen, DJ Foster, T Gomez, JK Poulsen, J Mast, BL Westra, ...
Applied Clinical Informatics 2 (03), 373-384, 2011
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