Ricardo A. Depine
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Cited by
A new condition to identify isotropic dielectric‐magnetic materials displaying negative phase velocity
RA Depine, A Lakhtakia
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 41 (4), 315-316, 2004
Transmission resonances of metallic compound gratings with subwavelength slits
DC Skigin, RA Depine
Physical review letters 95 (21), 217402, 2005
Highly conducting wire gratings in the resonance region
H Lochbihler, R Depine
Applied Optics 32 (19), 3459-3465, 1993
Comment I on “Resonant and antiresonant frequency dependence of the effective parameters of metamaterials”
RA Depine, A Lakhtakia
Physical Review E 70 (4), 048601, 2004
Graphene optics: electromagnetic solution of canonical problems
RA Depine
Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2016
Scattering from metallic surfaces having a finite number of rectangular grooves
RA Depine, DC Skigin
JOSA A 11 (11), 2844-2850, 1994
Tunable plasmonic enhancement of light scattering and absorption in graphene-coated subwavelength wires
M Riso, M Cuevas, RA Depine
Journal of Optics 17, 075001, 2015
Complex frequencies and field distributions of localized surface plasmon modes in graphene-coated subwavelength wires
M Cuevas, MA Riso, RA Depine
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 173, 26-33, 2016
Narrow gaps for transmission through metallic structured gratings with subwavelength slits
DC Skigin, RA Depine
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 74 (4 …, 2006
Interaction between non-Bragg band gaps in 1D metamaterial photonic crystals
JA Monsoriu, RA Depine, ML Martínez-Ricci, E Silvestre
Optics Express 14 (26), 12958-12967, 2006
Zero permeability and zero permittivity band gaps in 1D metamaterial photonic crystals
RA Depine, ML Martínez-Ricci, JA Monsoriu, E Silvestre, P Andrés
Physics Letters A 364 (3-4), 352-355, 2007
Stray light in diffraction grating monochromators
MR Sharpe, D Irish
Classification of dispersion equations for homogeneous, dielectric-magnetic, uniaxial materials
RA Depine, ME Inchaussandague, A Lakhtakia
JOSA A 23 (4), 949-955, 2006
Uniaxial dielectric mediums with hyperbolic dispersion relations
TG Mackay, A Lakhtakia, RA Depine
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 48, 363-367, 2006
Effect of extinction on the high-energy optical response of photonic crystals
LA Dorado, RA Depine, H Míguez
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (24), 241101, 2007
Diffraction by dual-period gratings
DC Skigin, RA Depine
Applied optics 46 (9), 1385-1391, 2007
Experimental and theoretical analysis of the intensity of beams diffracted by three-dimensional photonic crystals
LA Dorado, RA Depine, D Schinca, G Lozano, H Míguez
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (7), 075102, 2008
Plane-wave diffraction at the periodically corrugated boundary of vacuum and a negative-phase-velocity material
RA Depine, A Lakhtakia
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 69 (5 …, 2004
Scattering of a wave at a periodic boundary: analytical expression for the surface impedance
RA Depine
JOSA A 5 (4), 507-510, 1988
Interplay between crystal-size and disorder effects in the high-energy optical response of photonic crystal slabs
LA Dorado, RA Depine, G Lozano, H Míguez
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (24), 245103, 2007
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Articles 1–20