Hiroyuki Kajimoto
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Cited by
Gravity grabber: wearable haptic display to present virtual mass sensation
K Minamizawa, S Fukamachi, H Kajimoto, N Kawakami, S Tachi
ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 emerging technologies, 8-es, 2007
SmartTouch: Electric skin to touch the untouchable
H Kajimoto, N Kawakami, S Tachi, M Inami
IEEE computer graphics and applications 24 (1), 36-43, 2004
Vision-based sensor for real-time measuring of surface traction fields
K Kamiyama, K Vlack, T Mizota, H Kajimoto, K Kawakami, S Tachi
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 25 (1), 68-75, 2005
Tactile feeling display using functional electrical stimulation
H Kajimoto, N Kawakami, T Maeda, S Tachi
Proc. 1999 ICAT 133, 1999
Electro-tactile display with tactile primary color approach
H Kajimoto, N Kawakami, T Maeda, S Tachi
Graduate School of Information and Technology, The University of Tokyo, 2004
An encounter-type multi-fingered master hand using circuitous joints
S Nakagawara, H Kajimoto, N Kawakami, S Tachi, I Kawabuchi
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and …, 2005
Evaluation of a vision-based tactile sensor
K Kamiyama, H Kajimoto, N Kawakami, S Tachi
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2004. Proceedings …, 2004
Electrotactile display with real-time impedance feedback using pulse width modulation
H Kajimoto
IEEE Transactions on Haptics 5 (2), 184-188, 2011
Forehead electro-tactile display for vision substitution
H Kajimoto, Y Kanno, S Tachi
Proc. EuroHaptics 11, 2006
A wearable haptic display to present the gravity sensation-preliminary observations and device design
K Minamizawa, H Kajimoto, N Kawakami, S Tachi
Second Joint EuroHaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for …, 2007
Wearable tactile device using mechanical and electrical stimulation for fingertip interaction with virtual world
V Yem, H Kajimoto
2017 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), 99-104, 2017
GelForce: a vision-based traction field computer interface
K Vlack, T Mizota, N Kawakami, K Kamiyama, H Kajimoto, S Tachi
CHI'05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 1154-1155, 2005
Optical torque sensors for implementation of local impedance control of the arm of humanoid robot
D Tsetserukou, R Tadakuma, H Kajimoto, S Tachi
Proceedings 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 2006
SmartTouch-augmentation of skin sensation with electrocutaneous display
H Kajimoto, M Inami, N Kawakami, S Tachi
11th Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator …, 2003
COMS-VR: Mobile virtual reality entertainment system using electric car and head-mounted display
R Kodama, M Koge, S Taguchi, H Kajimoto
2017 IEEE symposium on 3D user interfaces (3DUI), 130-133, 2017
Comparative evaluation of tactile sensation by electrical and mechanical stimulation
V Yem, H Kajimoto
IEEE transactions on haptics 10 (1), 130-134, 2016
3D Form Display with Shape Memory Alloy.
M Nakatani, H Kajimoto, D Sekiguchi, N Kawakami, S Tachi
ICAT 8, 179-184, 2003
Development of anthropomorphic multi-DOF master-slave arm for mutual telexistence
R Tadakuma, Y Asahara, H Kajimoto, N Kawakami, S Tachi
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 11 (6), 626-636, 2005
Electro-tactile display with force feedback
H Kajimoto, N Kawakami, T Maeda, S Tachi
Proc. World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics …, 2001
HamsaTouch: Tactile vision substitution with smartphone and electro-tactile display
H Kajimoto, M Suzuki, Y Kanno
CHI'14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1273-1278, 2014
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Articles 1–20