Yan-Fei Jing 荆燕飞
Yan-Fei Jing 荆燕飞
Senior Research Fellow of Computational Mathematics, University of Electronic Science and Technology
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Block GMRES method with inexact breakdowns and deflated restarting
E Agullo, L Giraud, YF Jing
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 35 (4), 1625-1651, 2014
Lanczos-type variants of the COCR method for complex nonsymmetric linear systems
YF Jing, TZ Huang, Y Zhang, L Li, GH Cheng, ZG Ren, Y Duan, T Sogabe, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (17), 6376-6394, 2009
The BiCOR and CORS iterative algorithms for solving nonsymmetric linear systems
B Carpentieri, YF Jing, TZ Huang
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 33 (5), 3020-3036, 2011
A block GMRES method with deflated restarting for solving linear systems with multiple shifts and multiple right‐hand sides
DL Sun, TZ Huang, YF Jing, B Carpentieri
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 25 (5), e2148, 2018
Restarted weighted full orthogonalization method for shifted linear systems
YF Jing, TZ Huang
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 57 (9), 1583-1591, 2009
Experiments with Lanczos biconjugate A-orthonormalization methods for MoM discretizations of Maxwell's equations
YF Jing, B Carpentieri, TZ Huang
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 99, 427-451, 2009
A simpler GMRES and its adaptive variant for shifted linear systems
YF Jing, P Yuan, TZ Huang
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 24 (1), e2076, 2017
A new shifted block GMRES method with inexact breakdowns for solving multi-shifted and multiple right-hand sides linear systems
DL Sun, TZ Huang, B Carpentieri, YF Jing
Journal of Scientific Computing 78, 746-769, 2019
Flexible and deflated variants of the block shifted GMRES method
DL Sun, TZ Huang, B Carpentieri, YF Jing
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 345, 168-183, 2019
A comparative study of iterative solutions to linear systems arising in quantum mechanics
YF Jing, TZ Huang, Y Duan, B Carpentieri
Journal of Computational Physics 229 (22), 8511-8520, 2010
On a new iterative method for solving linear systems and comparison results
YF Jing, TZ Huang
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 220 (1-2), 74-84, 2008
A generalized product-type BiCOR method and its application in signal deconvolution
L Zhao, TZ Huang, YF Jing, LJ Deng
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 66 (8), 1372-1388, 2013
Application of the incomplete Cholesky factorization preconditioned Krylov subspace method to the vector finite element method for 3-D electromagnetic scattering problems
L Li, TZ Huang, YF Jing, Y Zhang
Computer Physics Communications 181 (2), 271-276, 2010
A spectrally preconditioned and initially deflated variant of the restarted block GMRES method for solving multiple right-hand sides linear systems
DL Sun, B Carpentieri, TZ Huang, YF Jing
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 144, 775-787, 2018
A novel integration method for weak singularity arising in two-dimensional scattering problems
YF Jing, TZ Huang, Y Duan, SJ Lai, J Huang
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 58 (8), 2725-2731, 2010
A new projected variant of the deflated block conjugate gradient method
YF Xiang, YF Jing, TZ Huang
Journal of Scientific Computing 80, 1116-1138, 2019
A quasi-minimal residual variant of the BiCORSTAB method for nonsymmetric linear systems
DL Sun, YF Jing, TZ Huang, B Carpentieri
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 67 (10), 1743-1755, 2014
Solution to 3-D electromagnetic problems discretized by a hybrid FEM/MOM method
L Li, TZ Huang, GH Cheng, YF Jing, ZG Ren, HB Li
Computer Physics Communications 184 (1), 73-78, 2013
Combining the CORS and BiCORSTAB iterative methods with MLFMA and SAI preconditioning for solving large linear systems in electromagnetics
B Carpentieri, YF Jing, TZ Huang, WC Pi, XQ Sheng
The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal (ACES), 102-111, 2012
Long-time behaviour of the solutions for the multidimensional Kolmogorov-Spieqel-Sivashinsky equation
BL Guo, BX Wang
Acta Mathematica Sinica 18, 579-596, 2002
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Articles 1–20