Marcus Messner
Marcus Messner
Assistant Professor of Mass Communications, Virginia Commonwealth University
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Cited by
Ebola on Instagram and Twitter: How health organizations address the health crisis in their social media engagement
JPD Guidry, Y Jin, CA Orr, M Messner, S Meganck
Public relations review 43 (3), 477-486, 2017
The source cycle: How traditional media and weblogs use each other as sources
M Messner, MW Distaso
Journalism studies 9 (3), 447-463, 2008
On pins and needles: how vaccines are portrayed on Pinterest
JPD Guidry, K Carlyle, M Messner, Y Jin
Vaccine 33 (39), 5051-5056, 2015
Read all about it: The politicization of “fake news” on Twitter
J Brummette, M DiStaso, M Vafeiadis, M Messner
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 95 (2), 497-517, 2018
Shoveling tweets: An analysis of the microblogging engagement of traditional news organizations
M Messner, M Linke, A Eford
The official research journal of the International Symposium on Online …, 2012
From# mcdonaldsfail to# dominossucks: An analysis of Instagram images about the 10 largest fast food companies
JD Guidry, M Messner, Y Jin, V Medina-Messner
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 20 (3), 344-359, 2015
Using the health belief model to analyze Instagram posts about Zika for public health communications
JPD Guidry, KE Carlyle, JG LaRose, P Perrin, M Messner, M Ryan
Emerging infectious diseases 25 (1), 179, 2019
Legitimizing Wikipedia: How U.S. national newspapers frame and use the online encyclopedia in their coverage
M Messner, J South
Journalism Practice 5 (2), 145-160, 2011
Study Shows Some Blogs Affect Traditional News Media Agendas
M Messner, B Garrison
Newspaper Research Journal 32 (3), 112-126, 2011
Assessing the association between e-cigarette use and exposure to social media in college students: a cross-sectional study
MD Sawdey, L Hancock, M Messner, EC Prom-Wormley
Substance use & misuse 52 (14), 1910-1917, 2017
Tweeting about# diseases and# publichealth: Communicating global health issues across nations
JPD Guidry, SL Meganck, A Lovari, M Messner, V Medina-Messner, ...
Health communication 35 (9), 1137-1145, 2020
Wikipedia versus Encyclopedia Britannica: A longitudinal analysis to identify the impact of social media on the standards of knowledge
M Messner, MW DiStaso
Mass Communication and Society 16 (4), 465-486, 2013
Forced transparency: Corporate image on Wikipedia and what it means for public relations
MW DiStaso, M Messner
Public Relations Journal 4 (2), 1-23, 2010
Welcome or not: Comparing# refugee posts on Instagram and Pinterest
JPD Guidry, LL Austin, KE Carlyle, K Freberg, M Cacciatore, S Meganck, ...
American Behavioral Scientist 62 (4), 512-531, 2018
# Ebola: Tweeting and pinning an epidemic
JPD Guidry, SL Meganck, PB Perrin, M Messner, A Lovari, KE Carlyle
Atlantic Journal of Communication 29 (2), 79-92, 2021
Tweeting the# flushot: beliefs, barriers, and threats during different periods of the 2018 to 2019 flu season
JPD Guidry, LL Austin, NH O’Donnell, IA Coman, A Lovari, M Messner
Journal of primary care & community health 11, 2150132720932722, 2020
Global health and social media: using Instagram and Twitter in an open online class for global service-learning projects
M Messner, V Medina-Messner, J Guidry
Communication Teacher 30 (4), 185-189, 2016
140 characters for better health: An exploration of the Twitter engagement of leading nonprofit organizations
M Messner, Y Jin, V Medina-Messner, S Meganck, SC Quarforth, ...
Social Media and Strategie Communications, 119-136, 2013
Journalism's ‘Dirty Data’below Researchers' Radar
M Messner, B Garrison
Newspaper Research Journal 28 (4), 88-100, 2007
A path model of psychosocial constructs predicting future Zika vaccine uptake intent
JPD Guidry, KE Carlyle, PB Perrin, JG LaRose, M Ryan, M Messner
Vaccine 37 (36), 5233-5241, 2019
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