Gideon M. Henderson
Gideon M. Henderson
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Quantification of Holocene Asian monsoon rainfall from spatially separated cave records
C Hu, GM Henderson, J Huang, S Xie, Y Sun, KR Johnson
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 266 (3-4), 221-232, 2008
Ice-sheet collapse and sea-level rise at the Bølling warming 14,600 years ago
P Deschamps, N Durand, E Bard, B Hamelin, G Camoin, AL Thomas, ...
Nature 483 (7391), 559-564, 2012
Introduction to U-series geochemistry
B Bourdon, S Turner, GM Henderson, CC Lundstrom
Reviews in mineralogy and geochemistry 52 (1), 1-21, 2003
The sequence of events surrounding Termination II and their implications for the cause of glacial‐interglacial CO2 changes
WS Broecker, GM Henderson
Paleoceanography 13 (4), 352-364, 1998
Lithium-isotope fractionation during continental weathering processes
JS Pistiner, GM Henderson
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 214 (1-2), 327-339, 2003
Assessing ocean alkalinity for carbon sequestration
P Renforth, G Henderson
Reviews of Geophysics 55 (3), 636-674, 2017
Seasonal trace-element and stable-isotope variations in a Chinese speleothem: The potential for high-resolution paleomonsoon reconstruction
KR Johnson, C Hu, NS Belshaw, GM Henderson
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 244 (1-2), 394-407, 2006
The U-series toolbox for paleoceanography
GM Henderson, RF Anderson
Reviews in mineralogy and geochemistry 52 (1), 493-531, 2003
The GEOTRACES intermediate data product 2017
R Schlitzer, RF Anderson, EM Dodas, M Lohan, W Geibert, A Tagliabue, ...
Chemical Geology 493, 210-223, 2018
Temperature dependence of δ7Li, δ44Ca and Li/Ca during growth of calcium carbonate
CS Marriott, GM Henderson, NS Belshaw, AW Tudhope
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 222 (2), 615-624, 2004
Evidence from U–Th dating against Northern Hemisphere forcing of the penultimate deglaciation
GM Henderson, NC Slowey
Nature 404 (6773), 61-66, 2000
New oceanic proxies for paleoclimate
GM Henderson
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 203 (1), 1-13, 2002
Tropical seagrass meadows modify seawater carbon chemistry: implications for coral reefs impacted by ocean acidification
RKF Unsworth, CJ Collier, GM Henderson, LJ McKenzie
Environmental Research Letters 7 (2), 024026, 2012
Systematic change of foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios across a strong salinity gradient
JE Ferguson, GM Henderson, M Kucera, REM Rickaby
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 265 (1-2), 153-166, 2008
Effect of mineralogy, salinity, and temperature on Li/Ca and Li isotope composition of calcium carbonate
CS Marriott, GM Henderson, R Crompton, M Staubwasser, S Shaw
Chemical Geology 212 (1-2), 5-15, 2004
Links between the East Asian monsoon and North Atlantic climate during the 8,200 year event
YH Liu, GM Henderson, CY Hu, AJ Mason, N Charnley, KR Johnson, ...
Nature Geoscience 6 (2), 117-120, 2013
Significant increases in global weathering during Oceanic Anoxic Events 1a and 2 indicated by calcium isotopes
CL Blättler, HC Jenkyns, LM Reynard, GM Henderson
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 309 (1-2), 77-88, 2011
U and Th concentrations and isotope ratios in modern carbonates and waters from the Bahamas
LF Robinson, NS Belshaw, GM Henderson
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68 (8), 1777-1789, 2004
GEOTRACES–An international study of the global marine biogeochemical cycles of trace elements and their isotopes
SCOR Working Group
Geochemistry 67 (2), 85-131, 2007
Seawater (234U/238U) during the last 800 thousand years
GM Henderson
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 199 (1-2), 97-110, 2002
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Articles 1–20