Yong Wang
Cited by
Cited by
Lattice Boltzmann method: Theory and applications
YL He, Y Wang, Q Li
Beijing: Science Press, 2009
Coupled double-distribution-function lattice Boltzmann method for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations
Q Li, YL He, Y Wang, WQ Tao
Physical Review E 76 (5), 056705, 2007
Implicit-explicit finite-difference lattice Boltzmann method for compressible flows
Y Wang, YL He, TS Zhao, GH Tang, WQ Tao
International Journal of Modern Physics C 18 (12), 1961-1983, 2007
Liquid Behaviors-Assisted Fabrication of Multidimensional Birefringent Materials from Dynamic Hybrid Hydrogels
H Huang, X Wang, J Yu, Y Chen, H Ji, Y Zhang, F Rehfeldt, Y Wang, ...
ACS nano 13 (4), 3867-3874, 2019
An improved thermal lattice Boltzmann model for flows without viscous heat dissipation and compression work
Q Li, YL He, Y Wang, GH Tang
International Journal of Modern Physics C 19 (01), 125-150, 2008
Explore missing flow dynamics by physics-informed deep learning: the parameterized governing systems
H Xu, W Zhang, Y Wang
Physics of Fluids 33, 095116, 2021
On locating the obstruction in the upper airway via numerical simulation
Y Wang, S Elghobashi
Respiratory physiology & neurobiology 193, 1-10, 2014
Lattice Boltzmann method and its applications in engineering thermophysics
YL He, Q Li, Y Wang, GH Tang
Chinese Science Bulletin 54 (22), 4117-4134, 2009
Numerical simulation and parameter optimization of thermo-acoustic refrigerator driven at large amplitude
HB Ke, YW Liu, YL He, Y Wang, J Huang
Cryogenics 50 (1), 28-35, 2010
An FSI solution technique based on the DSD/SST method and its applications
FB Tian, Y Wang, J Young, JCS Lai
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 25 (12), 2217-2226, 2015
A three-dimensional quantitative study on the hydrodynamic focusing of particles with the immersed boundary–Lattice Boltzmann method
DK Sun, Y Wang, AP Dong, BD Sun
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 94, 306-315, 2016
Three-dimensional non-free-parameter lattice-Boltzmann model and its application to inviscid compressible flows
Q Li, YL He, Y Wang, GH Tang
Physics Letters A 373 (25), 2101-2108, 2009
Cilia-driven flows in the brain third ventricle
G Eichele, E Bodenschatz, Z Ditte, A Günther, S Kapoor, Y Wang, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375, 20190154, 2020
徐超, 何雅玲, 王勇
工程热物理学报 26 (6), 912-914, 2005
Numerical simulations of gas resonant oscillations in a closed tube using lattice Boltzmann method
Y Wang, YL He, Q Li, GH Tang
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (11-12), 3082-3090, 2008
Implicit–explicit finite‐difference lattice Boltzmann method with viscid compressible model for gas oscillating patterns in a resonator
Y Wang, Y He, J Huang, Q Li
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 59 (8), 853-872, 2009
Lattice Boltzmann model for simulating viscous compressible flows
Y Wang, YL He, Q Li, GH Tang, WQ Tao
International Journal of Modern Physics C 21 (03), 383-407, 2010
Numerical investigation on characteristic flow regions for three staggered stationary circular cylinders
W Yan, J Wu, S Yang, Y Wang
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 60, 48-61, 2016
Applying physics informed neural network for flow data assimilation
X Bai, Y Wang, W Zhang
Journal of Hydrodynamics 32 (6), 1050-1058, 2020
Deflected oscillatory wake pattern behind two side-by-side circular cylinders
X Bai, W Zhang, Y Wang
Ocean Engineering 197, 106847, 2020
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Articles 1–20