hiroyuki mizoguchi
hiroyuki mizoguchi
名古屋大学 環境医学研究所 次世代創薬研究センタ―
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RAGE-mediated signaling contributes to intraneuronal transport of amyloid-β and neuronal dysfunction
K Takuma, F Fang, W Zhang, S Yan, E Fukuzaki, H Du, A Sosunov, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (47), 20021-20026, 2009
A natural scavenger of peroxynitrites, rosmarinic acid, protects against impairment of memory induced by Aβ25–35
T Alkam, A Nitta, H Mizoguchi, A Itoh, T Nabeshima
Behavioural brain research 180 (2), 139-145, 2007
Social isolation rearing‐induced impairment of the hippocampal neurogenesis is associated with deficits in spatial memory and emotion‐related behaviors in juvenile mice
D Ibi, K Takuma, H Koike, H Mizoguchi, K Tsuritani, Y Kuwahara, H Kamei, ...
Journal of neurochemistry 105 (3), 921-932, 2008
Behavioral abnormality and pharmacologic response in social isolation-reared mice
H Koike, D Ibi, H Mizoguchi, T Nagai, A Nitta, K Takuma, T Nabeshima, ...
Behavioural brain research 202 (1), 114-121, 2009
Matrix metalloproteinase-9 contributes to kindled seizure development in pentylenetetrazole-treated mice by converting pro-BDNF to mature BDNF in the hippocampus
H Mizoguchi, J Nakade, M Tachibana, D Ibi, E Someya, H Koike, H Kamei, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (36), 12963-12971, 2011
Dopamine D1 receptors regulate protein synthesis-dependent long-term recognition memory via extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 in the prefrontal cortex
T Nagai, K Takuma, H Kamei, Y Ito, N Nakamichi, D Ibi, Y Nakanishi, ...
Learning & Memory 14 (3), 117-125, 2007
REM sleep–active MCH neurons are involved in forgetting hippocampus-dependent memories
S Izawa, S Chowdhury, T Miyazaki, Y Mukai, D Ono, R Inoue, Y Ohmura, ...
Science 365 (6459), 1308-1313, 2019
Microglial gene signature reveals loss of homeostatic microglia associated with neurodegeneration of Alzheimer’s disease
A Sobue, O Komine, Y Hara, F Endo, H Mizoguchi, S Watanabe, ...
Acta neuropathologica communications 9, 1-17, 2021
Interleukin-34 selectively enhances the neuroprotective effects of microglia to attenuate oligomeric amyloid-β neurotoxicity
T Mizuno, Y Doi, H Mizoguchi, S Jin, M Noda, Y Sonobe, H Takeuchi, ...
The American journal of pathology 179 (4), 2016-2027, 2011
Oral vaccination with a viral vector containing Aβ cDNA attenuates age‐related Aβ accumulation and memory deficits without causing inflammation in a mouse Alzheimer model
A Mouri, Y Noda, H Hara, H Mizoguchi, T Tabira, T Nabeshima
The FASEB Journal 21 (9), 2135-2148, 2007
Blockade of gap junction hemichannel suppresses disease progression in mouse models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease
H Takeuchi, H Mizoguchi, Y Doi, S Jin, M Noda, J Liang, H Li, Y Zhou, ...
PloS one 6 (6), e21108, 2011
Combined effect of neonatal immune activation and mutant DISC1 on phenotypic changes in adulthood
D Ibi, T Nagai, H Koike, Y Kitahara, H Mizoguchi, M Niwa, H Jaaro-Peled, ...
Behavioural brain research 206 (1), 32-37, 2010
Chronic restraint stress impairs neurogenesis and hippocampus‐dependent fear memory in mice: possible involvement of a brain‐specific transcription factor Npas4
J Yun, H Koike, D Ibi, E Toth, H Mizoguchi, A Nitta, M Yoneyama, K Ogita, ...
Journal of neurochemistry 114 (6), 1840-1851, 2010
The allosteric potentiation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors by galantamine ameliorates the cognitive dysfunction in beta amyloid25–35 icv-injected mice: involvement of …
D Wang, Y Noda, Y Zhou, A Mouri, H Mizoguchi, A Nitta, W Chen, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 32 (6), 1261-1271, 2007
Butyrylcholinesterase inhibitors ameliorate cognitive dysfunction induced by amyloid-β peptide in mice
Y Furukawa-Hibi, T Alkam, A Nitta, A Matsuyama, H Mizoguchi, K Suzuki, ...
Behavioural brain research 225 (1), 222-229, 2011
Microglia activated with the toll-like receptor 9 ligand CpG attenuate oligomeric amyloid β neurotoxicity in in vitro and in vivo models of Alzheimer’s disease
Y Doi, T Mizuno, Y Maki, S Jin, H Mizoguchi, M Ikeyama, M Doi, ...
The American journal of pathology 175 (5), 2121-2132, 2009
Neonatal polyI: C treatment in mice results in schizophrenia-like behavioral and neurochemical abnormalities in adulthood
D Ibi, T Nagai, Y Kitahara, H Mizoguchi, H Koike, A Shiraki, K Takuma, ...
Neuroscience research 64 (3), 297-305, 2009
Regulations of methamphetamine reward by extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2/ets-like gene-1 signaling pathway via the activation of dopamine receptors
H Mizoguchi, K Yamada, M Mizuno, T Mizuno, A Nitta, Y Noda, ...
Molecular pharmacology 65 (5), 1293-1301, 2004
Fingolimod increases brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels and ameliorates amyloid β-induced memory impairment
K Fukumoto, H Mizoguchi, H Takeuchi, H Horiuchi, J Kawanokuchi, S Jin, ...
Behavioural brain research 268, 88-93, 2014
Methamphetamine use causes cognitive impairment and altered decision-making
H Mizoguchi, K Yamada
Neurochemistry international 124, 106-113, 2019
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