Peter Boldog
Peter Boldog
Wigner Research Center for Physics, Budapest & Bolyai Institute, University of Szeged, Hungary
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Risk Assessment of Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 Outbreaks Outside China
P Boldog, T Tekeli, Z Vizi, A Dénes, FA Bartha, G Röst
Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (2), 571, 2020
Early phase of the COVID-19 outbreak in Hungary and post-lockdown scenarios
G Röst, FA Bartha, N Bogya, P Boldog, A Dénes, T Ferenci, KJ Horváth, ...
Viruses 12 (7), 708, 2020
Potential severity, mitigation, and control of Omicron waves depending on pre-existing immunity and immune evasion
FA Bartha, P Boldog, T Tekeli, Z Vizi, A Dénes, G Röst
International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology, 407-419, 2021
Carbon nanotubes quench singlet oxygen generated by photosynthetic reaction centers
P Boldog, K Hajdu, M Magyar, E Hideg, K Hernadi, E Horvath, A Magrez, ...
physica status solidi (b) 250 (12), 2539-2543, 2013
Convergence of solutions in a mean-field model of go-or-grow type with reservation of sites for proliferation and cell cycle delay
RE Baker, P Boldog, G Röst
Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2018, 381-387, 2019
Propensity matrix method for age dependent stochastic infectious disease models
P Boldog, N Bogya, Z Vizi
International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology, 311-325, 2021
Seeing beyond the spikes: Reconstructing the complete spatiotemporal membrane potential distribution from paired intra‐and extracellular recordings
D Meszéna, A Barlay, P Boldog, K Furuglyás, D Cserpán, L Wittner, ...
The Journal of Physiology, 2022
Exact lattice-based stochastic cell culture simulation algorithms incorporating spontaneous and contact-dependent reactions
P Boldog
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.04774, 2022
Turing-féle reakció-diffúzió modell késleltetéssel
P Boldog
szte, 2016
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Articles 1–9