Stephan Y Thiberge
Stephan Y Thiberge
Director of the Bezos Center Imaging Facility, Princeton Neuroscience Institute, Princeton
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Ultrasensitivity and noise propagation in a synthetic transcriptional cascade
S Hooshangi, S Thiberge, R Weiss
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (10), 3581-3586, 2005
Spatiotemporal control of gene expression with pulse-generating networks
S Basu, R Mehreja, S Thiberge, MT Chen, R Weiss
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (17), 6355-6360, 2004
Specialized coding of sensory, motor and cognitive variables in VTA dopamine neurons
B Engelhard, J Finkelstein, J Cox, W Fleming, HJ Jang, S Ornelas, ...
Nature 570 (7762), 509-513, 2019
Multiphoton plasmon-resonance microscopy
D Yelin, D Oron, S Thiberge, E Moses, Y Silberberg
Optics express 11 (12), 1385-1391, 2003
Scanning electron microscopy of cells and tissues under fully hydrated conditions
S Thiberge, A Nechushtan, D Sprinzak, O Gileadi, V Behar, O Zik, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (10), 3346-3351, 2004
Task-dependent changes in the large-scale dynamics and necessity of cortical regions
L Pinto, K Rajan, B DePasquale, SY Thiberge, DW Tank, CD Brody
Neuron 104 (4), 810-824. e9, 2019
Volumetric two-photon imaging of neurons using stereoscopy (vTwINS)
A Song, AS Charles, SA Koay, JL Gauthier, SY Thiberge, JW Pillow, ...
Nature methods 14 (4), 420-426, 2017
Imaging cortical dynamics in GCaMP transgenic rats with a head-mounted widefield macroscope
BB Scott, SY Thiberge, C Guo, DGR Tervo, CD Brody, AY Karpova, ...
Neuron 100 (5), 1045-1058. e5, 2018
Zebrafish mutations affecting cilia motility share similar cystic phenotypes and suggest a mechanism of cyst formation that differs from pkd2 morphants
J Sullivan-Brown, J Schottenfeld, N Okabe, CL Hostetter, FC Serluca, ...
Developmental biology 314 (2), 261-275, 2008
Device and method for the examination of samples in a non vacuum environment using a scanning electron microscope
E Moses, O Zik, S Thiberge
US Patent 6,989,542, 2006
Volume conservation principle involved in cell lengthening and nucleus movement during tissue morphogenesis
MA Gelbart, B He, AC Martin, SY Thiberge, EF Wieschaus, M Kaschube
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (47), 19298-19303, 2012
An accumulation-of-evidence task using visual pulses for mice navigating in virtual reality
L Pinto, SA Koay, B Engelhard, AM Yoon, B Deverett, SY Thiberge, ...
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 12, 36, 2018
Metabolic cycling in single yeast cells from unsynchronized steady-state populations limited on glucose or phosphate
SJ Silverman, AA Petti, N Slavov, L Parsons, R Briehof, SY Thiberge, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (15), 6946-6951, 2010
Cellular mechanisms of alpha herpesvirus egress: live cell fluorescence microscopy of pseudorabies virus exocytosis
IB Hogue, JB Bosse, JR Hu, SY Thiberge, LW Enquist
PLoS pathogens 10 (12), e1004535, 2014
An apparatus for imaging liquids, cells, and other wet samples in the scanning electron microscopy
S Thiberge, O Zik, E Moses
Review of Scientific Instruments 75 (7), 2280-2289, 2004
Mosquito brains encode unique features of human odour to drive host seeking
Z Zhao, JL Zung, A Hinze, AL Kriete, A Iqbal, MA Younger, BJ Matthews, ...
Nature 605 (7911), 706-712, 2022
Remodeling nuclear architecture allows efficient transport of herpesvirus capsids by diffusion
JB Bosse, IB Hogue, M Feric, SY Thiberge, B Sodeik, CP Brangwynne, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (42), E5725-E5733, 2015
Sequential and efficient neural-population coding of complex task information
SA Koay, AS Charles, SY Thiberge, CD Brody, DW Tank
Neuron 110 (2), 328-349. e11, 2022
Auditory activity is diverse and widespread throughout the central brain of Drosophila
DA Pacheco, SY Thiberge, E Pnevmatikakis, M Murthy
Nature neuroscience 24 (1), 93-104, 2021
Shared song detector neurons in Drosophila male and female brains drive sex-specific behaviors
D Deutsch, J Clemens, SY Thiberge, G Guan, M Murthy
Current biology 29 (19), 3200-3215. e5, 2019
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Articles 1–20