Brendan Eagan, PhD
Brendan Eagan, PhD
Associate Director of Partnerships and Community Engagement
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Cited by
Cited by
SENS: Network analytics to combine social and cognitive perspectives of collaborative learning
D Gašević, S Joksimović, BR Eagan, DW Shaffer
Computers in Human Behavior 92, 562-577, 2019
When coding-and-counting is not enough: Using epistemic network analysis (ENA) to analyze verbal data in CSCL research
A Csanadi, B Eagan, I Kollar, DW Shaffer, F Fischer
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 13, 419-438, 2018
The mathematical foundations of epistemic network analysis
D Bowman, Z Swiecki, Z Cai, Y Wang, B Eagan, J Linderoth, DW Shaffer
Advances in Quantitative Ethnography: Second International Conference, ICQE …, 2021
Epistemic network analysis (version 1.7. 0)[Software]
CL Marquart, C Hinojosa, Z Swiecki, B Eagan, DW Shaffer
Available from app. epistemicnetwork. org, 2018
Quantifying the qualitative with epistemic network analysis: a human factors case study of task-allocation communication in a primary care team
AR Wooldridge, P Carayon, DW Shaffer, B Eagan
IISE transactions on healthcare systems engineering 8 (1), 72-82, 2018
Using epistemic network analysis to examine discourse and scientific practice during a collaborative game
DM Bressler, AM Bodzin, B Eagan, S Tabatabai
Journal of Science Education and Technology 28, 553-566, 2019
Using epistemic network analysis to identify targets for educational interventions in trauma team communication
S Sullivan, C Warner-Hillard, B Eagan, RJ Thompson, AR Ruis, K Haines, ...
Surgery 163 (4), 938-943, 2018
Can we rely on IRR? Testing the assumptions of inter-rater reliability
BR Eagan, B Rogers, R Serlin, AR Ruis, G Arastoopour Irgens, ...
International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 2017
nCoder+: a semantic tool for improving recall of nCoder coding
Z Cai, A Siebert-Evenstone, B Eagan, DW Shaffer, X Hu, AC Graesser
International Conference on Quantitative Ethnography, 41-54, 2019
Finding common ground: a method for measuring recent temporal context in analyses of complex, collaborative thinking
A Ruis, A Siebert-Evenstone, R Pozen, B Eagan, DW Shaffer
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2019
Epistemic network analysis and topic modeling for chat data from collaborative learning environment
Z Cai, B Eagan, N Dowell, J Pennebaker, D Shaffer, A Graesser
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on educational data mining, 2017
Refining qualitative ethnographies using epistemic network analysis: A study of socioemotional learning dimensions in a humanistic knowledge building community
Y Hod, S Katz, B Eagan
Computers & Education 156, 103943, 2020
Epistemic network analysis of students' longer written assignments as formative/summative evaluation
SS Fougt, A Siebert-Evenstone, B Eagan, S Tabatabai, M Misfeldt
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on learning analytics and …, 2018
Testing the reliability of inter-rater reliability
B Eagan, J Brohinsky, J Wang, DW Shaffer
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Learning Analytics …, 2020
Epistemic network analysis of an international digital makerspace in Africa, Europe, and the US
B Eagan, E Hamilton
Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, New York City, 2018
Epistemic Network Analysis (Version 1.7. 0)[Software](2018)
CL Marquart, C Hinojosa, Z Swiecki, B Eagan, DW Shaffer
Available from app. epistemicnetwork. org, 0
Using topic modeling for code discovery in large scale text data
Z Cai, A Siebert-Evenstone, B Eagan, DW Shaffer
International Conference on Quantitative Ethnography, 18-31, 2021
The foundations and fundamentals of quantitative ethnography
G Arastoopour Irgens, B Eagan
International Conference on Quantitative Ethnography, 3-16, 2022
rENA: epistemic network analysis
CL Marquart, Z Swiecki, W Collier, B Eagan, R Woodward, DW Shaffer
Retrieved September 16, 2019, 2019
An initial look at the developing culture of online global meet-ups in establishing a collaborative, STEM media-making community
D Espino, S Lee, B Eagan, E Hamilton
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2019
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Articles 1–20