Ludovico Lami
Ludovico Lami
Assistant Professor, Scuola Normale Superiore
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Gaussian quantum resource theories
L Lami, B Regula, X Wang, R Nichols, A Winter, G Adesso
Physical Review A 98 (2), 022335, 2018
Certification and quantification of multilevel quantum coherence
M Ringbauer, TR Bromley, M Cianciaruso, L Lami, WYS Lau, G Adesso, ...
Physical Review X 8 (4), 041007, 2018
Probabilistic distillation of quantum coherence
K Fang, X Wang, L Lami, B Regula, G Adesso
Physical review letters 121 (7), 070404, 2018
Gaussian entanglement revisited
L Lami, A Serafini, G Adesso
New Journal of Physics 20 (2), 023030, 2018
Schur complement inequalities for covariance matrices and monogamy of quantum correlations
L Lami, C Hirche, G Adesso, A Winter
Physical Review Letters 117 (22), 220502, 2016
Conditional and unconditional Gaussian quantum dynamics
MG Genoni, L Lami, A Serafini
Contemporary Physics 57 (3), 331-349, 2016
Ultimate data hiding in quantum mechanics and beyond
L Lami, C Palazuelos, A Winter
Communications in Mathematical Physics 361, 661-708, 2018
No second law of entanglement manipulation after all
L Lami, B Regula
Nature Physics 19 (2), 184-189, 2023
Non-classical correlations in quantum mechanics and beyond
L Lami
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.02902, 2018
Indistinguishability-enabled coherence for quantum metrology
A Castellini, R Lo Franco, L Lami, A Winter, G Adesso, G Compagno
Physical Review A 100 (1), 012308, 2019
Generic bound coherence under strictly incoherent operations
L Lami, B Regula, G Adesso
Physical review letters 122 (15), 150402, 2019
Entangleability of cones
G Aubrun, L Lami, C Palazuelos, M Plávala
Geometric and Functional Analysis 31 (2), 181-205, 2021
On a gap in the proof of the generalised quantum Stein's lemma and its consequences for the reversibility of quantum resources
M Berta, FGSL Brandão, G Gour, L Lami, MB Plenio, B Regula, ...
Quantum 7, 1103, 2023
Nonasymptotic assisted distillation of quantum coherence
B Regula, L Lami, A Streltsov
Physical Review A 98 (5), 052329, 2018
Operational quantification of continuous-variable quantum resources
B Regula, L Lami, G Ferrari, R Takagi
Physical Review Letters 126 (11), 110403, 2021
Entanglement and superposition are equivalent concepts in any physical theory
G Aubrun, L Lami, C Palazuelos, M Plávala
Physical Review Letters 128 (16), 160402, 2022
Framework for resource quantification in infinite-dimensional general probabilistic theories
L Lami, B Regula, R Takagi, G Ferrari
Physical Review A 103 (3), 032424, 2021
High-dimensional entanglement in states with positive partial transposition
M Huber, L Lami, C Lancien, A Müller-Hermes
Physical Review Letters 121 (20), 200503, 2018
Classical shadow tomography for continuous variables quantum systems
S Becker, N Datta, L Lami, C Rouzé
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2024
Energy-constrained discrimination of unitaries, quantum speed limits, and a Gaussian Solovay-Kitaev theorem
S Becker, N Datta, L Lami, C Rouzé
Physical Review Letters 126 (19), 190504, 2021
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Articles 1–20