Mahmoud M. A. Moustafa
Mahmoud M. A. Moustafa
Prof. of Genetics and microbial biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Benha University
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Cited by
Effect of Silybum marianum seeds as a feed additive on growth performance, serum biochemical indices, antioxidant status, and gene expression of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis …
SAM Mahmoud M. A. Moustafa, m s hassan, Hoda El-Garhy
aquaculture 505, 392-402, 2019
Detection of pork adulteration in processed meat by species-specific PCR-QIAxcel procedure based on D-loop and cytb genes
HASEGMMAM Hassan Barakat
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 98, 9805-9816, 2014
Isolation and Characterization of Two Lytic Bacteriophages Infecting a Multi‐Drug Resistant Salmonella Typhimurium and Their Efficacy to Combat Salmonellosis in Ready‐to‐Use …
OAMBAMA Ahmed Esmael, Ehab Azab, Adil A. Gobouri, Mohamed A. Nasr‐Eldin ...
microorganisms 9 (423), 1-19, 2021
Synergistic effects of Bacillus pumilus and exogenous protease on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) growth, gut microbes, immune response and gene expression fed plant …
MS Hassaan, EY Mohammady, MR Soaudy, MA Elashry, MMA Moustafa, ...
Animal Feed Science and Technology 275, 114892, 2021
A novice Achromobacter sp. EMCC1936 strain acts as a plant-growth-promoting agent
HM Abdel-Rahman, AA Salem, MMA Moustafa, HAS El-Garhy
Acta physiologiae plantarum 39, 1-15, 2017
Silybin content and overexpression of chalcone synthase genes in Silybum marianum L. plants under abiotic elicitation
HAS El-Garhy, S Khattab, MMA Moustafa, R Abou Ali, AZA Azeiz, ...
Plant physiology and biochemistry 108, 191-202, 2016
Impact of pyrethroids and organochlorine pesticides residue on IGF-1 and CYP1A genes expression and muscle protein patterns of cultured Mugil capito
MAOD Afaf. AbdEl Megid, Mohammad E. Abd Al Fatah, Amel El Asely, Yakout El ...
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 188, 109876, 2020
Azolla leaf meal at 5% of the diet improves growth performance, intestinal morphology and p70S6K1 activation, and affects cecal microbiota in broiler chicken
AM Abdelatty, MI Mandouh, SA Mohamed, S Busato, OAM Badr, M Bionaz, ...
Animal 15 (10), 100362, 2021
Comparative Analyses of Four Chemicals Used to Control Black Mold Disease in Tomato and Its Effects on Defense Signaling Pathways, Productivity and Quality Traits
MMAM Hoda A. S. El-Garhy, Fayz A. Abdel-Rahman, Abdelhakeem S. Shams, Gamal ...
MDPI plants 9 (7), 808-, 2020
Comparative evaluation of growth performance, carcass characteristics and timed series gene expression profile of GH and IGF‐1 in two Egyptian indigenous …
MM El‐Attrouny, MM Iraqi, II Sabike, AM Abdelatty, MM Moustafa, OA Badr
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 138 (4), 463-473, 2021
Root Endophytism by Pochonia chlamydosporia Affects Defense-Gene Expression in Leaves of Monocot and Dicot Hosts under Multiple Biotic Interactions
SRT Tolba, LC Rosso, I Pentimone, M Colagiero, MMA Moustafa, ...
Plants 10 (4), 718, 2021
Incorporation of Sukkari Date in Probiotic-Enriched Fermented Camel Milk Improves the Nutritional, Physicochemical, and Organoleptical Characteristics
MR Thamer Aljutaily, Hassan Barakat, Mahmoud Moustafa
Fermentation 8 (1), 5, 2022
Antioxidant activity and phycoremediation ability of four cyanobacterial isolates obtained from a stressed aquatic system
MMAM Omnia Adel Badr, Ibrahim I.S. EL-Shawaf, Hoda El-Garhy, Omar Farid
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 134, 300-310, 2019
Field application of safe chemical elicitors induced the expression of some resistance genes against grey mold and cottony rot diseases during snap bean pods storage
MMAM Hoda A.S. El-Garhy, Ismail A.S. Rashid, Rania M. Abou-Ali
Gene 576 (1/1), 358–365, 2016
Molecular markers and GGE biplot analysis for selecting higher‐yield and drought‐tolerant maize hybrids
AS Sedhom, MELM EL‐Badawy, AAAE Hosary, MS Abd El‐Latif, ...
Agronomy Journal, 2021
Serological and PCR-sequencing assays for diagnosis of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infecting camels in Egypt
SMAEGMMAM Nagwa Eid Ahmed, Lubna Mohamed Al–Akabway, Mohamed Yousef Ramadan
Nutrigenomic effect of conjugated linoleic acid on growth and meat quality indices of growing rabbit
MB A.M.AbdelattyID, ShereenA.Mohamed, Mahmoud M. A. Moustafa, Asmaa K. Al ...
PLOS One 14 (10), 14(10):e0222404., 2019
The potent therapeutic effect of novel cyanobacterial isolates against oxidative stress damage in redox rats
MMAM Omnia Adel Badr, Ibrahim I.S. EL-Shawaf, Hoda El-Garhy, Omar Farid
Journal of Applied Microbiology 126 (4), 1278-1289, 2019
The Influence Of Synbiotic On Growth And Expression Of GH, GHR1 And IGF-I Genes In Oreochromis niloticus L Fingerlings
MH Hassaan, M. S. M., Moustafa, M. M. A., El-Garhy, H. A. S. and Refaat
Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture 6 (1), 176-182, 2015
Bioprospecting for Novel Probiotic Strains from Human Milk and Infants: Molecular, Biochemical, and Ultrastructural Evidence
SYM Mahmoud, AA Atallah, OA Badr, MMA Moustafa, A Esmael, ...
Biology 11 (10), 1405, 2022
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Articles 1–20