Andy Jolly
Cited by
Cited by
Firewalls: A necessary tool to enable social rights for undocumented migrants in social work
L Hermansson, A Lundberg, S Gruber, A Jolly, J Lind, E Righard, H Scott
International Social Work 65 (4), 678-692, 2022
No recourse to social work? Statutory neglect, social exclusion and undocumented migrant families in the UK
A Jolly
Social Inclusion 6 (3), 190-200, 2018
London's children and young people who are not British citizens: A profile
A Jolly, S Thomas, J Stanyer
Greater London Authority., 2020
‘You Just Have to Work with What You’ve Got’Practitioner Research with Precarious Migrant Families
A Jolly
Practice 30 (2), 99-116, 2018
From the Windrush Generation to the ‘Air Jamaica generation’: local authority support for families with no recourse to public funds
A Jolly
Social Policy Review 31: Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 2019, 129, 2019
‘It’s not just music, it helps you from inside’: mixing methods to understand the impact of music on young people in contact with the criminal justice system
L Caulfield, A Jolly, E Simpson, Y Devi-McGleish
Youth Justice 22 (1), 67-84, 2022
Café Delphi: Hybridising ‘World cafe’and ‘Delphi techniques’ for successful remote academic collaboration
A Jolly, LS Caulfield, B Sojka, S Iafrati, J Rees, R Massie
Social Sciences & Humanities Open 3 (1), 100095, 2021
Risk of food insecurity in undocumented migrant households in Birmingham, UK
A Jolly, JL Thompson
Journal of Public Health 45 (1), 118-123, 2023
No recourse to public funds: a qualitative evidence synthesis
A Jolly, J Singh, S Lobo
International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care 18 (1), 107-123, 2022
‘The do-gooders and scroungers’: examining narratives of foodbank use in online local press coverage in the West Midlands, UK
C Price, M Barons, K Garthwaite, A Jolly
Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 28 (3), 279-298, 2020
Children and families with no recourse to public funds: Learning from case reviews
A Jolly, A Gupta
Children & Society 38 (1), 16-31, 2024
Statutory neglect and care in a pandemic
A Jolly
International Social Work 63 (5), 671-675, 2020
Local authority responses to people with NRPF during the pandemic
E Dickson, A Jolly, B Morgan, F Qureshi, B Sojka, D Stamp
Institute for Community Research and Development, University of Wolverhampton, 2020
Café delphi: Strategies for successful remote academic collaboration
A Jolly, L Caulfield, R Massie, B Sojka, S Iafrati, J Rees
Authorea Preprints, 2024
Local Authority responses to people with NRPF during the pandemic: interim project findings briefing
A Jolly, B Sojka, E Dickson, F Qureshi, D Stamp, B Morgan
University of Wolverhampton, 2020
Firewalls as a resource for resistance: separating border policing from social service provision in Sweden and the UK
A Jolly, J Lind
Nordic Social Work Research 11 (2), 183-196, 2021
West Midlands violence reduction unit evaluation: Phase two evaluation report
L Caulfield, S Wilson, N Adams-Quackenbush, C Harewood, ...
Research report: Local Authority Responses to people with NRPF during the pandemic
E Dickson, A Jolly, B Morgan, B Sojka, D Stamp, F Qureshi
Institute for Community Research and Development, 2020
Reflecting on early help with migrant families: a view from practice
K Begum, T Flint, G Hunt, A Jolly, A Stringer
Practice 34 (3), 197-205, 2022
“It was like they cut off all my dreams”: Emotional health and wellbeing of undocumented children in London
L Thomas, S., Jolly, A., Goodson
Barnardo's, 2020
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Articles 1–20