Amy Pritchett
Amy Pritchett
Penn State Aerospace
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Cited by
Reviewing the role of cockpit alerting systems
AR Pritchett
Contemporary issues in human factors and aviation safety, 47-80, 2005
Use of testable responses for performance-based measurement of situation awareness
AR Pritchett, RJ Hansman, EN Johnson
Situation awareness analysis and measurement, 189-209, 2000
Requirements for effective function allocation: A critical review
KM Feigh, AR Pritchett
Journal of cognitive engineering and decision making 8 (1), 23-32, 2014
Describing airspace complexity: Airspace response to disturbances
K Lee, E Feron, A Pritchett
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 32 (1), 210-222, 2009
Preliminary investigation of wearable computers for task guidance in aircraft inspection
JJ Ockerman, AR Pritchett
Digest of Papers. Second International Symposium on Wearable Computers (Cat …, 1998
Measuring human-automation function allocation
AR Pritchett, SY Kim, KM Feigh
Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making 8 (1), 52-77, 2014
Air traffic complexity: An input-output approach
K Lee, E Feron, A Pritchett
2007 American Control Conference, 474-479, 2007
Modeling human–automation function allocation
AR Pritchett, SY Kim, KM Feigh
Journal of cognitive engineering and decision making 8 (1), 33-51, 2014
Analyzing air traffic management systems using agent-based modeling and simulation
AP Shah, AR Pritchett, KM Feigh, SA Kalarev, A Jadhav, KM Corker, ...
Proceedings of the 6th USA/Europe Seminar on Air Traffic Management Research …, 2005
A review and reappraisal of task guidance: Aiding workers in procedure following
J Ockerman, A Pritchett
International Journal of Cognitive Ergonomics 4 (3), 191-212, 2000
Aviation automation: General perspectives and specific guidance for the design of modes and alerts
AR Pritchett
Reviews of human factors and ergonomics 5 (1), 82-113, 2009
Software architecture for a reconfigurable flight simulator
C Ippolito, A Pritchett
Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 4501, 2013
Pilot non-conformance to alerting system commands during closely spaced parallel approaches
AR Pritchett, RJ Hansman
16th DASC. AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference. Reflections to the …, 1997
Work models that compute to describe multiagent concepts of operation: Part 1
AR Pritchett, KM Feigh, SY Kim, SK Kannan
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 11 (10), 610-622, 2014
Testing and implementing cockpit alerting systems
AR Pritchett, B Vandor, K Edwards
Reliability engineering & system safety 75 (2), 193-206, 2002
Measuring the fit between human judgments and automated alerting algorithms: A study of collision detection
AM Bisantz, AR Pritchett
Human Factors 45 (2), 266-280, 2003
Simultaneous design of cockpit display of traffic information and air traffic management procedures
AR Pritchett
17th DASC. AIAA/IEEE/SAE. Digital Avionics Systems Conference. Proceedings …, 1998
Human-automated judge learning: A methodology for examining human interaction with information analysis automation
EJ Bass, AR Pritchett
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2008
Development and evaluation of a cockpit decision-aid for emergency trajectory generation
TL Chen, AR Pritchett
Journal of Aircraft 38 (5), 935-943, 2001
Hybrid agent-based simulation for analyzing the national airspace system
S Lee, A Pritchett, D Goldsman
Proceeding of the 2001 Winter Simulation Conference (Cat. No. 01CH37304) 2 …, 2001
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Articles 1–20