Nhu Ngoc Nguyen
Cited by
Cited by
General nonlinear stochastic systems motivated by chemostat models: Complete characterization of long-time behavior, optimal controls, and applications to wastewater treatment
DH Nguyen, NN Nguyen, G Yin
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 130 (8), 4608-4642, 2020
Permanence and extinction of certain stochastic SIR models perturbed by a complex type of noises
NH Du, NN Nhu
Applied Mathematics Letters 64, 223-230, 2017
Permanence and extinction for the stochastic SIR epidemic model
NH Du, NN Nhu
Journal of Differential Equations 269 (11), 9619-9652, 2020
Conditions for permanence and ergodicity of certain SIR epidemic models
NH Du, NT Dieu, NN Nhu
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 160, 81-99, 2019
Analysis of a spatially inhomogeneous stochastic partial differential equation epidemic model
DH Nguyen, NN Nguyen, G Yin
Journal of Applied Probability, Vol. 57 (2020), 613-636., 2020
Stochastic functional Kolmogorov equations, I: persistence
DH Nguyen, NN Nguyen, G Yin
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 142, 319-364, 2021
Stochastic partial differential equation models for spatially dependent predator-prey equations
NN Nguyen, G Yin
Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems-B 25 (1), 117-139, 2020
Stochastic Lotka-Volterra competitive reaction-diffusion systems perturbed by space-time white noise: Modeling and analysis
NN Nguyen, G Yin
Journal of Differential Equations 282, 184-232, 2021
Stochastic functional kolmogorov equations II: extinction
DH Nguyen, NN Nguyen, G Yin
Journal of Differential Equations 294, 1-39, 2021
Longtime behavior of a class of stochastic tumor-immune systems
TD Tuong, NN Nguyen, G Yin
Systems & Control Letters 146, 104806, 2020
Stochastic partial differential equation SIS epidemic models: modeling and analysis
NN Nguyen, G Yin
Communications on Stochastic Analysis 13 (3), 8, 2019
Stability of stochastic functional differential equations with random switching and applications
NH Du, DH Nguyen, NN Nguyen, G Yin
Automatica 125, 109410, 2021
Maximum likelihood estimation of diffusions by continuous time Markov chain
JL Kirkby, DH Nguyen, D Nguyen, NN Nguyen
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 168, 107408, 2022
Large deviation principles for Langevin equations in random environment and applications
NN Nguyen, G Yin
Journal of Mathematical Physics 62 (8), 2021
Stochastic approximation with discontinuous dynamics, differential inclusions, and applications
N Nguyen, G Yin
The Annals of Applied Probability 33 (1), 780-823, 2023
A class of Langevin equations with Markov switching involving strong damping and fast switching
NN Nguyen, G Yin
Journal of Mathematical Physics 61 (6), 2020
Random switching in an ecosystem with two prey and one predator
A Hening, DH Nguyen, N Nguyen, H Watts
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 55 (1), 347-366, 2023
Inversion-free subsampling Newton’s method for large sample logistic regression
JL Kirkby, DH Nguyen, D Nguyen, NN Nguyen
Statistical Papers, 1-21, 2022
Characterization of long-term behavior of stochastic NP ecological model under regime switching
TD Tuong, NN Nguyen
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 93, 105497, 2021
Hybrid stochastic SIS epidemic models with vaccination: Stability of the disease-free state and applications
NT Hieu, DH Nguyen, NN Nguyen, TD Tuong
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 53, 101492, 2024
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Articles 1–20