Germán Gustavo Oggier
Germán Gustavo Oggier
Grupo de Electrónica Aplicada (GEA) / Instituto de Investigaciones en Tecnologías Energéticas y
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Switching control strategy to minimize dual active bridge converter losses
GG Oggier, GO Garcia, AR Oliva
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 24 (7), 1826-1838, 2009
Modulation strategy to operate the dual active bridge DC-DC converter under soft switching in the whole operating range
G Oggier, GO Garcia, AR Oliva
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 26 (4), 1228-1236, 2010
Extending the ZVS operating range of dual active bridge high-power DC-DC converters
GG Oggier, R Leidhold, GO Garcia, AR Oliva, JC Balda, F Barlow
2006 37th IEEE power electronics specialists conference, 1-7, 2006
Fast transient boundary control and steady-state operation of the dual active bridge converter using the natural switching surface
GG Oggier, M Ordonez, JM Galvez, F Luchino
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 29 (2), 946-957, 2013
High-efficiency DAB converter using switching sequences and burst mode
GG Oggier, M Ordonez
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (3), 2069-2082, 2015
Circular switching surface technique: High-performance constant power load stabilization for electric vehicle systems
M Anun, M Ordonez, IG Zurbriggen, GG Oggier
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (8), 4560-4572, 2014
Semi‐conductors faults analysis in dual active bridge DC–DC converter
AM Airabella, GG Oggier, LE Piris‐Botalla, CA Falco, GO García
IET Power Electronics 9 (6), 1103-1110, 2016
Power losses evaluation of a bidirectional three-port DC–DC converter for hybrid electric system
L Piris-Botalla, GG Oggier, AM Airabella, GO García
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 58, 1-8, 2014
Boundary control of full-bridge ZVS: Natural switching surface for transient and steady-state operation
GG Oggier, M Ordonez
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61 (2), 969-979, 2013
Design approach of discrete‐time resonant controllers for uninterruptible power supply applications through frequency response analysis
RE Carballo, F Botterón, GG Oggier, GO García
IET Power Electronics 9 (15), 2871-2879, 2016
Extending the power transfer capability of a three‐port DC–DC converter for hybrid energy storage systems
L Piris‐Botalla, GG Oggier, GO García
IET Power Electronics 10 (13), 1687-1697, 2017
Dynamic modeling and analysis of the bidirectional DC-DC boost-buck converter for renewable energy applications
DW Spier, GG Oggier, SAO da Silva
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 34 (August), 133-145, 2019
A comparative study of Three–Phase Dual Active Bridge Converters for renewable energy applications
RO Núñez, GG Oggier, F Botterón, GO García
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 23, 1-10, 2017
Open transistors and diodes fault diagnosis strategy for dual active bridge DC-DC converter
AM Airabella, GG Oggier, LE Piris-Botalla, CA Falco, GO García
2012 10th IEEE/IAS International Conference on Industry Applications, 1-6, 2012
Bidirectional power flow with constant power load in electric vehicles: A non-linear strategy for Buck+ Boost cascade converters
M Anun, M Ordonez, I Galiano, G Oggier
2014 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition-APEC 2014 …, 2014
Multiple resonant controllers strategy to achieve fault ride‐through and high performance output voltage in UPS applications
RE Carballo, F Botterón, GG Oggier, GO García
IET Power Electronics 11 (15), 2415-2426, 2018
Analysis of current resonances due to winding parasitic capacitances in medium-voltage medium-frequency transformers
RAG Jimenez, GG Oggier, DP Fernandez, JC Balda
2022 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 939-943, 2022
Soft-switching analysis for three-port bidirectional dc-dc converters
GG Oggier, LP Botalla, GO García
2010 9th IEEE/IAS International Conference on Industry Applications-INDUSCON …, 2010
Analytical and normalized equations to implement the optimized triple phase-shift modulation strategy for DAB converters
M Capó-Lliteras, GG Oggier, E Bullich-Massagué, D Heredero-Peris, ...
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 11 (3 …, 2023
Static and dynamic characterization of 3.3-kV SiC MOSFET modules with and without external anti-parallel SiC JBS diode
A Rahouma, GG Oggier, JC Balda, A Kashyap
2022 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 1-5, 2022
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Articles 1–20