Makoto Yamaguchi
Makoto Yamaguchi
Tokai University
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Photon emission by nanocavity-enhanced quantum anti-Zeno effect in solid-state cavity quantum-electrodynamics
M Yamaguchi, T Asano, S Noda
Optics Express 16 (22), 18067-18081, 2008
Markovian quantum master equation beyond adiabatic regime
M Yamaguchi, T Yuge, T Ogawa
Physical Review E 95 (1), 012136, 2017
Second thresholds in BEC-BCS-laser crossover of exciton-polariton systems
M Yamaguchi, K Kamide, R Nii, T Ogawa, Y Yamamoto
Physical review letters 111 (2), 026404, 2013
BEC–BCS-laser crossover in Coulomb-correlated electron–hole–photon systems
M Yamaguchi, K Kamide, T Ogawa, Y Yamamoto
New Journal of Physics 14 (6), 065001, 2012
Investigation of spontaneous emission from quantum dots embedded in two-dimensional photonic-crystal slab
K Kounoike, M Yamaguchi, M Fujita, T Asano, J Nakanishi, S Noda
Electronics Letters 41 (25), 1402-1403, 2005
High-energy side-peak emission of exciton-polariton condensates in high density regime
T Horikiri, M Yamaguchi, K Kamide, Y Matsuo, T Byrnes, N Ishida, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 25655, 2016
Quantum electrodynamics of a nanocavity coupled with exciton complexes in a quantum dot
M Yamaguchi, T Asano, K Kojima, S Noda
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (15), 155326, 2009
Spectrally selective thermal radiation based on intersubband transitions and photonic crystals
T Asano, K Mochizuki, M Yamaguchi, M Chaminda, S Noda
Optics Express 17 (21), 19190-19203, 2009
Light-emission properties of quantum dots embedded in a photonic double-heterostructure nanocavity
WC Stumpf, M Fujita, M Yamaguchi, T Asano, S Noda
Applied physics letters 90 (23), 2007
Controlled spontaneous-emission phenomena in semiconductor slabs with a two-dimensional photonic bandgap
M Fujita, S Takahashi, T Asano, Y Tanaka, K Kounoike, M Yamaguchi, ...
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 8 (4), S131, 2006
Third emission mechanism in solid-state nanocavity quantum electrodynamics
M Yamaguchi, T Asano, S Noda
Reports on Progress in Physics 75 (9), 096401, 2012
Generating Functional Approach for Spontaneous Coherence in Semiconductor Electron-Hole-Photon Systems
M Yamaguchi, R Nii, K Kamide, T Ogawa, Y Yamamoto
Physical Review B 91 (11), 115129, 2015
Theory of Fano effect in cavity quantum electrodynamics
M Yamaguchi, A Lyasota, T Yuge
Physical Review Research 3 (1), 013037, 2021
First-order superfluid–Mott-insulator transition for quantum-optical switching in cavity-QED arrays with two cavity modes
K Kamide, M Yamaguchi, T Kimura, T Ogawa
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (5), 053842, 2013
Theoretical analysis of light emission from a coupled system of a photonic nanocavity and a quantum dot
M Yamaguchi, T Asano, M Fujita, S Noda
physica status solidi c 5 (9), 2828-2830, 2008
Cavity-loss induced plateau in coupled cavity QED array
T Yuge, K Kamide, M Yamaguchi, T Ogawa
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 83 (12), 123001, 2014
Time-resolved physical spectrum in cavity quantum electrodynamics
M Yamaguchi, A Lyasota, T Yuge, Y Ota
Physical Review Research 4 (2), 023052, 2022
Fano-resonance gain by dephasing electron–hole cooper pairs in semiconductors
K Kamide, M Yoshita, H Akiyama, M Yamaguchi, T Ogawa
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 81 (9), 093706, 2012
Photonic quantum computation with waveguide-linked optical cavities and quantum dots
M Yamaguchi, T Asano, Y Sato, S Noda
arXiv preprint arXiv:1101.3508, 2011
Decomposition of radiation energy into work and heat
T Yuge, M Yamaguchi, T Ogawa
Physical Review E 95 (2), 022119, 2017
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Articles 1–20