Kathleen  A. Donohue
Kathleen A. Donohue
Professor, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island
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Mean antarctic circumpolar current transport measured in drake passage
KA Donohue, KL Tracey, DR Watts, MP Chidichimo, TK Chereskin
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (22), 11,760-11,767, 2016
Atlantic meridional overturning circulation: Observed transport and variability
E Frajka-Williams, IJ Ansorge, J Baehr, HL Bryden, MP Chidichimo, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 260, 2019
Sustained monitoring of the Southern Ocean at Drake Passage: Past achievements and future priorities
MP Meredith, PL Woodworth, TK Chereskin, DP Marshall, LC Allison, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 49 (4), 2011
A deep cyclonic gyre in the Australian–Antarctic Basin
MS McCartney, KA Donohue
Progress in Oceanography 75 (4), 675-750, 2007
Mapping circulation in the Kuroshio Extension with an array of current and pressure recording inverted echo sounders
KA Donohue, DR Watts, KL Tracey, AD Greene, M Kennelly
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 27 (3), 507-527, 2010
A near-synoptic survey of the Southwest Indian Ocean
KA Donohue, JM Toole
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 50 (12-13), 1893-1931, 2003
Observations of the subtropical mode water evolution from the Kuroshio Extension System Study
B Qiu, P Hacker, S Chen, KA Donohue, DR Watts, H Mitsudera, NG Hogg, ...
Journal of Physical Oceanography 36 (3), 457-473, 2006
On the long‐term stability of Gulf Stream transport based on 20 years of direct measurements
T Rossby, CN Flagg, K Donohue, A Sanchez‐Franks, J Lillibridge
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (1), 114-120, 2014
Volume transport and property distributions of the Mozambique Channel
SF DiMarco, P Chapman, WD Nowlin Jr, P Hacker, K Donohue, M Luther, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 49 (7-8), 1481-1511, 2002
The Kuroshio Extension and its recirculation gyres
SR Jayne, NG Hogg, SN Waterman, L Rainville, KA Donohue, DR Watts, ...
Deep sea research part I: oceanographic research papers 56 (12), 2088-2099, 2009
Loop current eddy formation and baroclinic instability
KA Donohue, DR Watts, P Hamilton, R Leben, M Kennelly
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 76, 195-216, 2016
Wavenumber spectrum in the Gulf Stream from shipboard ADCP observations and comparison with altimetry measurements
DP Wang, CN Flagg, K Donohue, HT Rossby
Journal of Physical Oceanography 40 (4), 840-844, 2010
The Great Whirl: Observations of its seasonal development and interannual variability
LM Beal, KA Donohue
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 118 (1), 1-13, 2013
Baroclinic transport time series of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current measured in Drake Passage
MP Chidichimo, KA Donohue, DR Watts, KL Tracey
Journal of Physical Oceanography 44 (7), 1829-1853, 2014
Strong bottom currents and cyclogenesis in Drake Passage
TK Chereskin, KA Donohue, DR Watts, KL Tracey, YL Firing, AL Cutting
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (23), 2009
On the variability of Gulf Stream transport from seasonal to decadal timescales
T Rossby, C Flagg, K Donohue
A comparison of in situ bottom pressure array measurements with GRACE estimates in the Kuroshio Extension
JH Park, DR Watts, KA Donohue, SR Jayne
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (17), 2008
Gulf of Mexico loop current path variability
KA Donohue, DR Watts, P Hamilton, R Leben, M Kennelly, ...
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 76, 174-194, 2016
Comparison of three velocity sections of the Agulhas Current and Agulhas Undercurrent
KA Donohue, E Firing, L Beal
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 105 (C12), 28585-28593, 2000
Interannual variations in upper-ocean transport by the Gulf Stream and adjacent waters between New Jersey and Bermuda
T Rossby, CN Flagg, K Donohue
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Articles 1–20