Jennifer Baxter
Jennifer Baxter
Australian Institute of Family Studies
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Evaluation of the 2006 family law reforms: Summary report
R Kaspiew, M Gray, R Weston, L Moloney, K Hand, L Qu, M Alexander, ...
Deakin University, 2009
Fathers' Leave, Fathers' Involvement and Child Development
M del Carmen Huerta, W Adema, J Baxter, WJ Han, M Lausten, RH Lee, ...
OECD Soc 11, 1-67, 2013
Fathering in Australia among couple families with young children: Research highlights
J Baxter, D Smart
Family Matters, 15-26, 2011
Families in regional, rural and remote Australia
J Baxter, M Gray, A Hayes
Melbourne, 2011
Mothers and fathers with young children: Paid employment, caring and wellbeing
J Baxter, M Gray, M Alexander, L Strazdins, M Bittman
Fathers' leave and fathers' involvement: evidence from four OECD countries
MC Huerta, W Adema, J Baxter, WJ Han, M Lausten, RH Lee, J Waldfogel
European Journal of Social Security 16 (4), 308-346, 2014
Which mothers wean their babies prematurely from full breastfeeding? An Australian cohort study
J Baxter, AR Cooklin, J Smith
Acta Paediatrica 98 (8), 1274-1277, 2009
Shared care parenting arrangements since the 2006 Family Law Reforms: report to the Australian Government Attorney-General's Department
J Cashmore, P Parkinson, R Weston, R Patulny, G Redmond, L Qu, ...
Shared Care Parenting Arrangements since the 2006 Family Law Reforms: Report …, 2010
Family structure, co-parental relationship quality, post-separation paternal involvement and children's emotional wellbeing
J Baxter, R Weston, L Qu
Journal of Family Studies 17 (2), 86-109, 2011
Home-to-school transitions for financially disadvantaged children
D Smart, A Sanson, J Baxter, B Edwards, A Hayes
The Smith Family, Sydney, 2008
Impacts of work on family life among partnered parents of young children
M Alexander, J Baxter
Family matters, 18-25, 2005
Mothers' work–to–family strain in single and couple parent families: the role of job characteristics and supports
J Baxter, M Alexander
Australian Journal of Social Issues 43 (2), 195-214, 2008
Access to early childhood education in Australia
J Baxter, K Hand
Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2013
Parents working out work
J Baxter
APO: Analysis & Policy Observatory, 2013
Early maternal employment and child development in five OECD countries
M del Carmen Huerta, W Adema, J Baxter, M Corak, M Deding, MC Gray, ...
OECD, 2011
Child care and early childhood education in Australia
J Baxter
Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2015
Parental time with children: Do job characteristics make a difference?
J Baxter, Australian Institute of Family Studies
Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2009
Australian children’s screen time and participation in extracurricular activities
M Yu, J Baxter
Annual statistical report 2015 99, 2016
Social and emotional outcomes of Australian children from Indigenous and culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
N Priest, J Baxter, L Hayes
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 36 (2), 183-190, 2012
Trends in home ownership rates in Australia: the relative importance of affordability trends and changes in population composition
J Baxter, P McDonald
AHURI: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, 2004
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Articles 1–20