Seyed Mohammad Hossein Nabavi
Seyed Mohammad Hossein Nabavi
Chartered Electrical Engineer
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Placement and sizing of distributed generation units for congestion management and improvement of voltage profile using particle swarm optimization
SMH Nabavi, S Hajforoosh, MAS Masoum
2011 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, 1-6, 2011
Coordinated aggregated-based particle swarm optimisation algorithm for congestion management in restructured power market by placement and sizing of unified power flow controller
S Hajforoosh, SMH Nabavi, MAS Masoum
IET Science, Measurement & Technology 6 (4), 267-278, 2012
Social welfare maximization with fuzzy based genetic algorithm by TCSC and SSSC in double-sided auction market
SMH Nabavi, A Kazemi, MAS Masoum
Scientia Iranica 19 (3), 745-758, 2012
Congestion management in nodal pricing with genetic algorithm
SMH Nabavi, S Jadid, MAS Masoum, A Kazemi
Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, 2006. PEDES'06. International …, 2006
Optimal location and sizing of SSSC using genetic algorithm in deregulated power market
SMH Nabavi, K Khafafi, A Sakhavati, S Nahi
International Journal of Computer Applications 22 (4), 37-41, 2011
Congestion Management using Genetic Algorithm in Deregulated Power Environments
International Journal of Computer Applications 18 (2), 19-23, 2011
Social welfare maximization by optimal locating and sizing of TCSC for congestion management in deregulated power markets
NA Hosseinipoor, SMH Nabavi
2010 International Conference on Power System Technology, 1-5, 2010
Hybrid optimal online-overnight charging coordination of plug-in electric vehicles in smart grid
MAS Masoum, SMH Nabavi
Journal of Power Sources 330, 7-17, 2016
Social welfare maximization by optimal locating and sizing of TCSC for congestion management in deregulated power markets
SMH Nabavi, NA Hosseinipoor, S Hajforoosh
International Journal of Computer Applications 6 (6), 16-20, 2010
Social welfare improvement by TCSC using real code based genetic algorithm in double-sided auction market
SMH Nabavi, A Kazemi, MAS Masoum
Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering 11 (2), 99-106, 2011
Optimal locating and sizing of TCSC using genetic algorithm for congestion management in deregualted power markets
N Hosseinipoor, SMH Nabavi
2010 9th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering …, 2010
Optimal particle swarm based placement and sizing of static synchronous series compensator to maximize social welfare
S Hajforoosh, SMH Nabavi, MAS Masoum
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology 7 (4), 501-512, 2012
Using tracing method for calculation and allocation of reactive power cost
SMH Nabavi, S Hajforoosh, S Hajforosh, NA Hosseinipoor
International Journal of Computer Applications 13 (2), 14-17, 2011
A robust feedback linearization controller design for thyristor control series capacitor to damp electromechanical oscillations
M Barkhordary, SMH Nabavi, MRJ Motlagh, A Kazemi
2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2587-2592, 2006
Adaptive control of pitch angle of wind turbine using a novel strategy for management of mechanical energy generated by turbine in different wind velocities
M Hayatdavudi, M Saeedimoghadam, SMH Nabavi
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology 8 (4), 863-871, 2013
Social welfare maximization in double-sided auction market by placement and sizing of TCSC using fuzzy-based genetic algorithm
MS Masoum, SMH Nabavi, A Kazemi
International Review of Electrical Engineering 5, 2392- 2404, 2010
A fuzzy-based genetic algorithm for social welfare maximization by placement and sizing of static synchronous series compensator
SMH Nabavi, MAS Masoum, A Kazemi
Electric Power Components and Systems 39 (13), 1329-1352, 2011
Hyper‐Spherical Search Algorithm for Maximum Power Point Tracking of Solar Photovoltaic Systems under Partial Shading Conditions
K Eetivand, A Zangeneh, SMH Nabavi
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 2022 (1), 1101692, 2022
Dynamic performance improvement of linear induction motor using DTFC method and considering end-effect phenomenon
H Shadabi, AR Sadat, MH Nabavi, MA Azari, MBB Sharifian
2014 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 1-6, 2014
Using genetic algorithm for social welfare maximization in deregulated power markets by optimal locating and sizing of TCSC
SMH Nabavi, S Hajforoosh, S Hajforosh, A Karimi
Int Rev Model Simul 3 (6), 1447-1453, 2010
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Articles 1–20