Andrea Aprovitola
Andrea Aprovitola
Università della Campania "L.Vanvitelli", Dipartimento d'Ingegneria
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Knee bone segmentation from MRI: A classification and literature review
A Aprovitola, L Gallo
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 36 (2), 437-449, 2016
Multi-objective optimization for re-entry spacecraft conceptual design using a free-form shape generator
A Viviani, L Iuspa, A Aprovitola
Aerospace Science and Technology 71, 312-324, 2017
Aeroshape design of reusable re-entry vehicles by multidisciplinary optimization and computational fluid dynamics
A Viviani, A Aprovitola, L Iuspa, G Pezzella
Aerospace Science and Technology 105, 106029, 2020
CFD design capabilities for next generation high-speed aircraft
A Viviani, A Aprovitola, G Pezzella, C Rainone
Acta Astronautica 178, 143-158, 2021
On the application of congruent upwind discretizations for large eddy simulations
A Aprovitola, FM Denaro
Journal of Computational Physics 194 (1), 329-343, 2004
An optimization-based procedure for self-generation of Re-entry Vehicles shape
A Viviani, L Iuspa, A Aprovitola
Aerospace Science and Technology in press, …, 2017
Entrained-flow gasification of coal under slagging conditions: Relevance of fuel–wall interaction and char segregation to the properties of solid wastes
F Ambrosino, A Aprovitola, P Brachi, FS Marra, F Montagnaro, P Salatino
Fuel, 2013
Low speed longitudinal aerodynamics of a blended wing-body re-entry vehicle
A Viviani, A Aprovitola, L Iuspa, G Pezzella
Aerospace Science and Technology 107, 106303, 2020
Phase-A design of a reusable re-entry vehicle
A Aprovitola, L Iuspa, G Pezzella, A Viviani
Acta Astronautica 187, 141-155, 2021
Investigation of char–slag interaction regimes in entrained-flow gasifiers: linking experiments with numerical simulations
F Ambrosino, A Aprovitola, P Brachi, FS Marra, F Montagnaro, P Salatino
Combustion science and technology 184 (7-8), 871-887, 2012
A comparative test for assessing the performances of large-eddy simulation codes
F Denaro, A Abbà, M Germano, M Icardi, D Marchisio, S Rolfo, ...
Atti XX Congresso dell'Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica ed …, 2011
Thermal protection system design of a reusable launch vehicle using integral soft objects
A Aprovitola, L Iuspa, A Viviani
International Journal of Aerospace Engineering 2019 (1), 6069528, 2019
A non‐diffusive, divergence‐free, finite volume‐based double projection method on non‐staggered grids
A Aprovitola, FM Denaro
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 53 (7), 1127-1172, 2007
SParC-LES: Enabling large eddy simulations with parallel sparse matrix computation tools
A Aprovitola, P D’Ambra, FM Denaro, D di Serafino, S Filippone
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 70 (11), 2688-2700, 2015
An optimal heat-flux targeting procedure for LEO re-entry of reusable vehicles
A Aprovitola, N Montella, L Iuspa, G Pezzella, A Viviani
Aerospace Science and Technology 112, 106608, 2021
Scalable algebraic multilevel preconditioners with application to CFD
A Aprovitola, P D’Ambra, F Denaro, D di Serafino, S Filippone
Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2008: Parallel Numerical Methods …, 2010
Aerodynamic analysis of a supersonic transport aircraft at low and high speed flow conditions
A Aprovitola, O Dyblenko, G Pezzella, A Viviani
Aerospace 9 (8), 411, 2022
Edge and junction detection improvement using the Canny algorithm with a fourth order accurate derivative filter
A Aprovitola, L Gallo
The 10th International Conference on SIGNAL IMAGE TECHNOLOGY & INTERNET …, 2014
Aerodynamic optimization of airfoils shape for atmospheric flight on Mars planet
A Aprovitola, L Iuspa, G Pezzella, A Viviani
Acta Astronautica 212, 580-594, 2023
Flows past airfoils for the low-Reynolds number conditions of flying in Martian atmosphere
A Aprovitola, L Iuspa, G Pezzella, A Viviani
Acta Astronautica 221, 94-107, 2024
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Articles 1–20