Lucy Bolton
Lucy Bolton
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Cited by
Employees’ perceptions of the implementation of robotics, artificial intelligence, and automation (RAIA) on job satisfaction, job security, and employability
A Bhargava, M Bester, L Bolton
Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science 6 (1), 106-113, 2021
Systems scenarios: a tool for facilitating the socio-technical design of work systems
HPN Hughes, CW Clegg, LE Bolton, LC Machon
Ergonomics 60 (10), 1319-1335, 2017
Applying organizational psychology as a design science: A method for predicting malfunctions in socio-technical systems (PreMiSTS)
CW Clegg, MA Robinson, MC Davis, LE Bolton, RL Pieniazek, A McKay
Design Science 3, e6, 2017
The factory of the future
K Ridgway, CW Clegg, DJ Williams, P Hourd, M Robinson, L Bolton, ...
Government Office for Science, Evidence Paper 29, 2013
Rethinking service design: a socio-technical approach to the development of business models
LC Beaumont, LE Bolton, A McKay, HPN Hughes
Product Development in the Socio-sphere: Game Changing Paradigms for 21st …, 2014
Turning ideas into actions! How research on identity, psychological resources, and leadership support can Inform career coaching
M Vucic, LE Bolton
Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice 12 (2 …, 2019
Work design for compassionate care and patient safety
CW Clegg, L Bolton, R Offutt, M Davis
Implementing culture change within the NHS: Contributions from Occupational …, 2014
" Reality Shock": Understanding the Work Values of Young People Entering the Workplace
LE Bolton
University of Leeds, 2022
Exploring the need for an indigenous coaching psychology for the Middle East: A panel discussion at the International Psychology Conference Dubai (IPCD)
S King, C van Nieuwerburgh, L Bolton, A Al Serkal, L El Assaad, M Mattar
The Coaching Psychologist 17 (1), 32-37, 2021
Leadership Across Cultures
D Grajfoner, L Bolton, KG Nee
Intercultural Issues in the Workplace: Leadership, Communication and Trust …, 2023
Intercultural Coaching
S King, D Grajfoner, L Bolton, KG Nee
Intercultural Issues in the Workplace: Leadership, Communication and Trust …, 2023
Are Attitudes Towards People with Disability Preventing Positive Change in the UAE Workforce?
A McAuley, M Bester, L Bolton, M Warren
Middle East Journal of Positive Psychology 9, 58-78, 2023
Conference Proceedings: Coaching Psychology in a Post-COVID World (IPCD Panel Discussion, October 8-9, 2021)
S King, D Grajfoner, C Beckett-McInroy, GN Ke, L Bolton
Middle East Journal of Positive Psychology 7, 2021
Collaborative Working between Academia and Businesses-Impact, Relevance and Effectiveness
LE Bolton
Leeds University Business School, 2016
A Socio-Technical Approach to Future Factory Design
MA Robinson, L Bolton, KI Cichomska, CW Clegg, K Ridgway, ...
Business models as a facilitator of organizational change: Telehealth in the NHS
HPN Hughes, KL Davies, S Hotchkiss, LE Bolton, L Machon, D Ross
Leeds, 2015
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Articles 1–16