Mohammad Mousavi
Cited by
Cited by
Finite Time Estimation of Actuator Faults, States, and Aerodynamic Load of a Realistic Wind Turbine
M Rahnavard, M Ayati, MR Hairi Yazdi, M Mousavi
Renewable Energy, 2018
Dynamics and vibrations of particle-sensing MEMS considering thermal and electrostatic actuation
S Siahpour, MM Zand, M Mousavi
Microsystem Technologies 24, 1545-1552, 2018
Autonomous shock sensing using bi-stable triboelectric generators and MEMS electrostatic levitation actuators
M Mousavi, M Alzgool, S Towfighian
Smart Materials and Structures 30 (6), 065019, 2021
Observer based Fault Reconstruction Schemes Using Terminal Sliding Modes
M Mousavi, M Rahnavard, S Haddad
International Journal of Control, 2018
Event-driven MEMS vibration sensor: Integration of triboelectric nanogenerator and low-frequency switch
M Mousavi, M Alzgool, B Davaji, S Towfighian
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 187, 109921, 2023
Electrostatic levitation: an elegant method to control MEMS switching operation
M Mousavi, M Alzgool, S Towfighian
Nonlinear Dynamics 104 (4), 3139-3155, 2021
Thermal study of domed roofs in a traditional bazaar (the case of old Ganj-Alikhan bazaar in Kerman, Iran)
E Sedighi, M Yaghoubi, SM Mousavi, S Siahpour
Energy for Sustainable Development 39, 67-81, 2017
Terminal sliding mode observers for uncertain linear systems with matched disturbance
M Mousavi, M Rahnavard, M Ayati, MR Hairi Yazdi
Asian Journal of Control 21 (1), 377-386, 2019
Micro-triboelectric generator for zero-power shock detection
M Alzgool, M Mousavi, B Davaji, S Towfighian
Nano Energy 103, 107758, 2022
A MEMS pressure sensor using electrostatic levitation
M Mousavi, M Alzgool, S Towfighian
IEEE Sensors Journal 21 (17), 18601-18608, 2021
Effect of added mass distribution on the dynamic PI and frequency shifting in MEMS and NEMS biosensors
M Mousavi, M Moghimi Zand, S Siahpour
Microsystem Technologies 27, 693-702, 2021
Open-loop control of electrostatic levitation actuators to enhance the travel-range of optical switches
M Mousavi, M Alzgool, D Lopez, S Towfighian
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 338, 113453, 2022
On the Development of Terminal Sliding Mode Observers
M Mousavi, M Rahnavard, MR Hairi Yazdi, M Ayati
26th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2018), 2018
High Signal‐to‐Noise Ratio Event‐Driven MEMS Motion Sensing
M Mousavi, M Alzgool, B Davaji, S Towfighian
Small 20 (10), 2304591, 2024
Enhancing open-loop control of MEMS using linear electrostatic levitation actuators
M Mousavi, M Alzgool, S Towfighian
2021 IEEE Sensors, 1-4, 2021
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Articles 1–15