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Crna slavonska svinja
D Karolyi, Z Luković, K Salajpal
Meso: prvi hrvatski časopis o mesu 12 (4), 222-230, 2010
Genetic diversity, population structure and subdivision of local Balkan pig breeds in Austria, Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina and its practical value in conservation …
T Druml, K Salajpal, M Dikic, M Urosevic, G Grilz-Seger, R Baumung
Genetics Selection Evolution 44, 1-9, 2012
Effects of flock, year and season on the quality of milk from an indigenous breed in the sub-Mediterranean area
S Matutinovic, S Kalit, K Salajpal, J Vrdoljak
Small ruminant research 100 (2-3), 159-163, 2011
Production traits of Black Slavonian pigs
D Karolyi, Z Luković, K Salajpal
Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on the Mediterranean Pig 11, 13, 2007
Signatures of de‐domestication in autochthonous pig breeds and of domestication in wild boar populations from MC1R and NR6A1 allele distribution
A Ribani, VJ Utzeri, C Geraci, S Tinarelli, M Djan, N Veličković, R Doneva, ...
Animal genetics 50 (2), 166-171, 2019
Influence of finishing diet on fatty acid profile of longissimus muscle of Black Slavonian pigs
D Karolyi, K Salajpal, G Kiš, M Đikić, I Jurić
Poljoprivreda 13 (1), 176-179, 2007
Genetic analysis of hybridization between domesticated endangered pig breeds and wild boar
N Šprem, K Salajpal, T Safner, D Đikić, J Jurić, I Curik, M Đikić, ...
Livestock science 162, 1-4, 2014
Biological characteristics of turopolje pig breed as factors in renewing and preservation of population
M Đikić, K Salajpal, D Karolyi, D Đikić, V Rupić
Stočarstvo 64 (2-4), 79-90, 2010
Blood serum metabolites and meat quality in crossbred pigs experiencing different lairage time
K Salajpal, M Dikić, D Karolyi, Z Sinjeri, B Liker, A Kostelić, I Jurić
Italian Journal of Animal Science 4 (sup3), 119-121, 2005
Meat quality, blood stress indicators and trimmed cut yield comparison of Black Slavonian pig with modern pigs in the production of Slavonian Kulen
D Karolyi, K Salajpal, Ž Sinjeri, D Kovačić, I Jurić, M Đikić
Acta agriculturae slovenica 1, 67-72, 2004
Genetic diversity and population structure of six autochthonous pig breeds from Croatia, Serbia, and Slovenia
M Zorc, D Škorput, K Gvozdanović, P Margeta, D Karolyi, Z Luković, ...
Genetics selection evolution 54 (1), 30, 2022
Utjecaj poljoprivrede na onečišćenje površinskih i podzemnih voda u Republici Hrvatskoj
D Romić, S Husnjak, M Mesić, K Salajpal, K Barić, M Poljak, M Romić, ...
Effect of acorn (Quercus robur) intake on faecal egg count in outdoor reared black Slavonian pig
K Salajpal, D Karolyi, R Beck, G Kiš, I Vicković, M Đikić, D Kovačić
Acta Agric Slovenica 84 (Supplement 1), 173-178, 2004
Fizikalno-kemijske osobine slavonskog kulena
D Karolyi, K Salajpal, M Đikić, A Kostelić, I Jurić
Meso: prvi hrvatski časopis o mesu 7 (2), 35-37, 2005
Sanitary aspects of outdoor farming systems
K Salajpal, D Karolyi, Z Luković
Acta Agric. Slov. Suppl 4, 109-117, 2013
Influence of acorn intake on blood lipid profile and longisimus muscle characteristics of black slavonian pig
K Salajpal, D Karolyi, M Dikic, V Kantura, G Kis, Z Sinjer
Acta agriculturae Slovenica 2, 99-105, 2008
Proteolysis of Livanjski cheese during ripening
S Kalit, A MATIĆ, K SALAJPAL, Z SARIĆ, M Tudor Kalit
Journal of Central European Agriculture 17 (4), 1320-1330, 2016
Effect of MC4R polymorphism on physiological stress response in pigs
K Salajpal, M Đikić, D Karoly, J Šurina, M Mataković, B Liker
Poljoprivreda 13 (1), 46-50, 2007
Turopolje pig (Turopoljska svinja)
D Karolyi, Z Luković, K Salajpal, D Škorput, I Vnučec, Ž Mahnet, V Klišanić, ...
European local pig breeds—diversity and performance. A study of project …, 2019
Revitalizacija uzgoja banijske šare svinje
K Salajpal, S Menčik, D Šalamon, D Karolyi, V Klišanić, Ž Mahnet, ...
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Articles 1–20