Articles with public access mandates - Xavier ÚbedaLearn more
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Post-fire soil management
P Pereira, M Francos, EC Brevik, X Ubeda, I Bogunovic
Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 5, 26-32, 2018
Mandates: Government of Spain
Prescribed fire management
M Francos, X Úbeda
Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 21, 100250, 2021
Mandates: Government of Spain
Post-wildfire management effects on short-term evolution of soil properties (Catalonia, Spain, SW-Europe)
M Francos, P Pereira, M Alcañiz, X Úbeda
Science of the Total Environment 633, 285-292, 2018
Mandates: Government of Spain
Impact of torrential rainfall and salvage logging on post-wildfire soil properties in NE Iberian Peninsula
M Francos, X Úbeda, P Pereira
Catena 177, 210-218, 2019
Mandates: Government of Spain
Evaluation of fire severity via analysis of photosynthetic pigments: Oak, eucalyptus and cork oak leaves in a Mediterranean forest
M Soler, X Úbeda
Journal of environmental management 206, 65-68, 2018
Mandates: Government of Spain
An evaluation of erosion in cuesta relief: São Paulo State, Brazil
EB Stefanuto, CM Lupinacci, F Carvalho, M Francos, X Úbeda
Geomorphology 398, 108049, 2022
Mandates: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
Mapping ash CaCO3, pH, and extractable elements using principal component analysis
P Pereira, EC Brevik, A Cerdà, X Úbeda, A Novara, M Francos, ...
Soil Mapping and Process Modeling for Sustainable Land Use Management, 319-334, 2017
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, European Commission, Government of Spain
Re-ignitions and soil importance on wildfire risk and management research proposals in a Mediterranean ecosystem
MÀ Xifré-Salvadó, N Prat-Guitart, M Francos, X Úbeda, M Castellnou
European Journal of Forest Research 141 (5), 753-767, 2022
Mandates: Government of Spain
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Effects of prescribed fires on soil properties: A review
M Alcañiz, L Outeiro, M Francos, X Úbeda
Science of the Total Environment 613, 944-957, 2018
Mandates: Government of Spain
Wildfires in Chile: A review
X Úbeda, P Sarricolea
Global and Planetary Change 146, 152-161, 2016
Mandates: Government of Spain
Fire severity effects on ash chemical composition and water-extractable elements
P Pereira, X Úbeda, DA Martin
Geoderma 191, 105-114, 2012
Mandates: Government of Spain
Long-term dynamics of soil chemical properties after a prescribed fire in a Mediterranean forest (Montgrí Massif, Catalonia, Spain)
M Alcañiz, L Outeiro, M Francos, J Farguell, X Úbeda
Science of the total environment 572, 1329-1335, 2016
Mandates: Government of Spain
Modelling the impacts of wildfire on ash thickness in a short‐term period
P Pereira, A Cerdà, X Úbeda, J Mataix‐Solera, V Arcenegui, LM Zavala
Land Degradation & Development 26 (2), 180-192, 2015
Mandates: Government of Spain
Current wildland fire patterns and challenges in Europe: A synthesis of national perspectives
N Fernandez-Anez, A Krasovskiy, M Müller, H Vacik, J Baetens, E Hukić, ...
Air, Soil and Water Research 14, 11786221211028185, 2021
Mandates: European Commission
Long-term impact of wildfire on soils exposed to different fire severities. A case study in Cadiretes Massif (NE Iberian Peninsula)
M Francos, X Úbeda, P Pereira, M Alcañiz
Science of the Total Environment 615, 664-671, 2018
Mandates: Government of Spain
Spatial models for monitoring the spatio-temporal evolution of ashes after fire–a case study of a burnt grassland in Lithuania
P Pereira, A Cerdà, X Úbeda, J Mataix-Solera, D Martin, A Jordán, ...
Solid Earth 4 (1), 153-165, 2013
Mandates: Government of Spain
Wildfire effects on extractable elements in ash from a Pinus pinaster forest in Portugal
P Pereira, X Úbeda, D Martin, J Mataix‐Solera, A Cerdà, M Burguet
Hydrological Processes 28 (11), 3681-3690, 2014
Mandates: Government of Spain
Pinus halepensis M. versus Quercus ilex subsp. Rotundifolia L. runoff and soil erosion at pedon scale under natural rainfall in Eastern Spain three decades after a forest fire
A Cerdà, MEL Borja, X Úbeda, JF Martínez-Murillo, S Keesstra
Forest ecology and management 400, 447-456, 2017
Mandates: Government of Spain
How does management affect soil C sequestration and greenhouse gas fluxes in boreal and temperate forests?–A review
R Mäkipää, R Abramoff, B Adamczyk, V Baldy, C Biryol, M Bosela, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 529, 120637, 2023
Mandates: US Department of Energy, Academy of Finland, European Commission
The role of forest fire severity on vegetation recovery after 18 years. Implications for forest management of Quercus suber L. in Iberian Peninsula
M Francos, X Úbeda, J Tort, JM Panareda, A Cerdà
Global and Planetary Change 145, 11-16, 2016
Mandates: Government of Spain
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