mohammad faiz karimy
mohammad faiz karimy
Researcher at Indonesian Institute of Scienses
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The role of sodium-based additives on reduction process of nickel lateritic ore
F Nurjaman, A Rahmahwati, MF Karimy, N Hastriana, A Shofi, U Herlina, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 478 (1), 012001, 2019
Seleksi bakteri asam laktat dengan aktivitas anti jamur yang diisolasi dari silase dan saluran cerna ternak
E Damayanti, AE Suryani, A Sofyan, MF Karimy, H Julendra
Agritech 35 (2), 164-169, 2015
Isolation and identification of phytate-degrading yeast from traditional fermented food
AE Suryani, AS Anggraeni, L Istiqomah, E Damayanti, MF Karimy
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 22 (2), 2021
A simple method for analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae morphology by applying a high vacuum mode of the scanning electron microscopy and without chemical fixatives
MF Karimy, E Damayanti, AE Suryani, E Prasetyo, R Nurhayati, M Anwar, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 462 (1), 012048, 2020
Effect of feed supplement containing earthworm meal (Lumbricus rubellus) on production performance of quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)
L Istiqomah, AA Sakti, AE Suryani, MF Karimy, AS Anggraeni, H Herdian
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 101 (1), 012032, 2017
Cellulolytic yeast from gastrointestinal tract of Muscovy Duck (Anas moscata) as probiotic candidate.
AS Anggraeni, L Istiqomah, E Damayanti, M Anwar, AA Sakti, MF Karimy
Intestinal morphology, energy availability, and growth performance of broilers treated with the combination of probiotic and inulin
H Julendra, A Sofyan, L Istiqomah, MF Karimy, A Abinawanto, Y Yasman
Tropical Animal Science Journal 44 (1), 39-47, 2021
Nutrient digestibility of broiler chicken fed diets supplemented with probiotics phytase-producing
AS Anggraeni, AE Suryani, A Sofyan, AA Sakti, L Istiqomah, MF Karimy, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 462 (1), 012003, 2020
Evaluasi penerapan sistem pertanian terpadu berbasis sapi potong di delapan lokasi dengan letak geografis yang berbeda
H Julendra, A Febrisiantosa, E Damayanti, SK Wahono, MF Karimy, ...
Dalam: Seminar Nasional & Workshop Peningkatan Pemanfaatan Inovasi dalam …, 2013
Necessity of Log (1/R) and Kubelka-Munk transformation in chemometrics analysis to predict white rice flour adulteration in brown rice flour using visible-near-infrared …
L Rahmawati, AM Zahra, R Listanti, RE Masithoh, H Hariadi, Adnan, ...
Food Science and Technology 43, e116422, 2023
Effectivity of probiotic, micromineral enriched yeast and their combination with Azadirachta indica leaves containing tannin on fermentability and digestibility of Pennisetum …
A Sofyan, AA Sakti, MF Karimy, H Julendra, L Istiqomah, H Herdian, ...
The effectiveness of earthworm meal supplementation as antibiotic growth promoter replacer with different processing method
H Julendra, E Damayanti, SN Lusty Istiqomah, MF Karimy
The 1st Poult. Int. Sem, 146-157, 2012
Prevalensi kolibasilosis pada ayam broiler yang diinfeksi Escherichia coli dengan pemberian bioaditif, probiotik, dan antibiotik
AE Suryani, MF Karimy, L Istiqomah, A Sofyan, H Herdian, MH Wibowo
Widyariset 17 (2), 233-244, 2014
Colibacillosis Prevalence In Broiler Chicken Infected By Escherichia coli With Administration of Bioadditive
AE Suryani, MF Karimy, L Istiqomah, A Sofyan, H Herdian, MH Wibowo
Probiotic and Antibiotic Widyariset 17 (2), 233-244, 2014
Efektifitas ekstrak daun kenikir (Cosmos caudatus), daun mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia), dan tepung cacing tanah (Lumbricus rubellus) dalam sediaan granul larut air sebagai …
MF Karimy, H Julendra, SN Hayati, A Sofyan, E Damayanti, ...
Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner 18, 2013
Karakteristik mikro struktur dan komposisi cangkang telur unggas domestikasi dengan menggunakan sem dan xrf
AI Setiyawan, MF Karimy, Z Erwinda
Prosiding seminar nasional Teknologi Agribisnis Peternakan (STAP) 8, 490-496, 2021
The role of sodium based additives on reduction process of nickel ore
F Nurjaman, A Rahmawaty, MF Karimy, B Suharno, D Ferdian
Proceeding of Mineprocet, 2018
Minerals composition and characterization of the hatchery eggshell waste treated with different preparation methods
AI Setiyawan, D Pratiwi, MF Karimy, S Fauziah
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Hasil Ternak (JITEK) 16 (3), 144-152, 2021
Nutrient Utilizations and Intestinal Morphology of Broilers Treated with Lactobacillus plantarum AKK30–Oligosaccharides Synbiotic
H Julendra, A Sofyan, MF Karimy, A Abinawanto, Y Yasman
Tropical Animal Science Journal 43 (2), 158-168, 2020
Optimization study of charcoal observation with scanning electron microscope in various operating conditions
E Prasetyo, TH Jatmiko, MF Karimy
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 251 (1), 012010, 2019
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Articles 1–20