Yujun Chen
Yujun Chen
Recurrent AI
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Outage Prediction and Diagnosis for Cloud Service Systems
Y Chen, X Yang, Q Lin, H Zhang, F Gao, Z Xu, Y Dang, D Zhang, H Dong, ...
The World Wide Web Conference, 2659-2665, 2019
ZeroPrompt: Scaling Prompt-Based Pretraining to 1,000 Tasks Improves Zero-Shot Generalization
H Xu, Y Chen, Y Du, N Shao, Y Wang, H Li, Z Yang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.06910, 2022
GPS: Genetic Prompt Search for Efficient Few-shot Learning
H Xu, Y Chen, Y Du, N Shao, Y Wang, H Li, Z Yang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.17041, 2022
Identifying linked incidents in large-scale online service systems
Y Chen, X Yang, H Dong, X He, H Zhang, Q Lin, J Chen, P Zhao, Y Kang, ...
Proceedings of the 28th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering …, 2020
Distribution matching for rationalization
Y Huang, Y Chen, Y Du, Z Yang
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35 (14), 13090 …, 2021
Spatial–temporal traffic outlier detection by coupling road level of service
C Yujun, P Juhua, D Jiahong, W Yue, X Zhang
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 13 (6), 1016-1022, 2019
Zone2Vec: Distributed Representation Learning of Urban Zones
J Du, Y Chen, Y Wang, J Pu
2018 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 880-885, 2018
AMENDER: An attentive and aggregate multi-layered network for dataset recommendation
Y Chen, Y Wang, Y Zhang, J Pu, X Zhang
2019 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 988-993, 2019
NEGAN: Network embedding based on generative adversarial networks
Y Ban, J Pu, Y Chen, Y Wang
2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2018
GraPASA: Parametric graph embedding via siamese architecture
Y Chen, K Sun, J Pu, Z Xiong, X Zhang
Information Sciences 512, 1442-1457, 2020
Gaussian mixture embedding of multiple node roles in networks
Y Chen, J Pu, X Liu, X Zhang
World Wide Web 23 (2), 927-950, 2020
Multimodal data fusion model for smart city
Z Yi, C Yujun, DU Bowen, PU Juhua, X Zhang
Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 42 (12), 2683, 2016
RTANet: Recommendation Target-Aware Network Embedding
Q Cao, Q Yin, Y Song, Z Wang, Y Chen, RY Da Xu, X Yang
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 17 …, 2023
MEMN: Multiple Vectors Embedding for Multi-Label Networks
J Pu, Z Liu, Y Chen, X Liu
IEEE Access 6, 66143-66152, 2018
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