Gulem Atabay
Cited by
Cited by
Nurses’ perceptions of individual and organizational political reasons for horizontal peer bullying
BGC A Katrinli, G Atabay, G Gunay
Nursing Ethics 17 (5), 614-627, 2010
“Impact of ethical climate on moral distress revisited: Multidimensional view”,
BGÇŞP Atabay, G
Nursing Ethics, 22 ((1)), 103-116., 2015
“Leader Member Exchange, Organizational Identification and the Mediating Role of Job Involvement for Nurses”,
Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Günay, G. ve Güneri, B.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 64 (4), 354-362, 2008
“Exploring the Antecedents of Organizational Identification: The Role of Job Dimensions, Individual Characteristics, and Job Involvement”,
B Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Gunay, G., Guneri
Journal of Nursing Management, 17 (1), 66-73, 2009
“Perceptions of Organizational Politics and LMX: Linkages In Distrubutive Justice and Job Satisfaction” .
B Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Gunay, G., Guneri Çangarlı
African Journal of Business Management, 4 (14), 3110-3121, 2010
“The Moderating Role of Leader-Member Exchange in the Relationship between Psychological Contract Violation and Organizational Citizenship Behavior”,
B Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Gunay, G., Guneri Çangarlı
African Journal of Business Management 5 (1), 1-6., 2011
“Congruence of Family and Organizational Values in Relation to Organizational Citizenship Behavior”,
G Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Günay
Journal of Human Values, 12 (1), 81-89, 2006
“Psychological Contract Breach and Organizational Citizenship Behavior:Exploring Cognitive Smilarity and Leader-Member Exchange as Antecedents”,
G Atabay
Review of Business Research, 7 (6,), 27-37, 2007
“Explicit Leader Behavior Preferences: Turkish Cross-National Sample Comparisons”.
GGBGC R.F.Littrell , S.Yurtkoru , H.Kepir Sinangil , B.Durmus , A.Katrinli ...
Journal Of Management Development 32 (6), 606-616, 2013
“Clash of Generations at workplace: what does business ethics mean to different generations in Turkey?”
UEB Atabay G., Penbek S., Zaptçıoğlu D.
Academic Journal Of Interdisciplinary Studies , 2 (9), 532-538., 2013
Exploring the antecedents of organization identification: the role of job dimension, individual characteristics and job involvement
K Alev, A Gulem, G Gonca, G Burca
Journal of nursing management 17 (1), 66-73, 2009
Lider Üye Arasındaki Etkileşimin Psikolojik Sözleşme İhlali ile Örgütsel Vatandaşlık İlişkisi Üzerindeki Düzenleyici Rolü
A Katrinli, G Atabay, G Günay, BG Çangarlı
Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İşletme Bölümü, 17. Ulusal Yönetim ve …, 2009
“A Historical View of Diversity Management: The Ottoman Empire Case”
Katrinli, A., Atabay, G. ve Günay, G.
International Journal of Business Research 8 (2), 137-145, 2008
Otel İşletmelerinde Çalışan Personelin İşin Özelliklerine ve Kişilik Tiplerine Göre İş Doyumları, II
ÖT Özmen, AE Katrinli, G Atabay
Ulusal Turizm Kongresi (21-23 Kasım 1991), 101-110, 1991
“Service Quality in Health Care: A Challenge for Both Public and Private Hospitals”,
Katrinli, A., Atabay, G., Günay, G. ve Çangarlı, B.G.
European Journal of Management 9 (2), 2009
Does contamination exist in organizational settings?
CD Tatarlar, G Atabay
European Journal of Management 21 (1), 49-57, 2021
Insights into Ethical Climate and Teacher Behavioral Outcomes
EB Ucel, B Güneri-Cangarlı, E Çağlayan, G Atabay
e-Uluslararası Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi 11 (3), 217-230, 2020
Teachers and teams: a brief examination of teamwork in education, from Izmir, Turkey. ,
EB Atabay, R.G., Çangarlı, B.G., Üçel
Journal of International Management Studies, 2017
The Relation between Exposure to Electromagnetic Field and Daily Life Cycle Which Affects Learning in Students. ,
ST F.Öğce, D.Talaz, D.Harputlu, G.Atabay, İ.Şemin
The Global E-learning Journal 5 (2), 2016
The Change Story of Yellow Auto Company
A Katrinli, G Atabay, G Gunay, B Guneri
SAGE, 2016
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Articles 1–20